"king" - photography

Lee Acaster 38

Keen amateur photographer based in East Anglia. Landscapes are my passion but I like to try my hand at most things. International Garden Photographer of the Year 2016 - Overall Winner / Trees &...

Europe / United Kingdom / Wortham

Dasha and Mari 25

Professional Photographers, Dasha and Mari, twin sisters from Kiev, Ukraine. Specialize in Fashion, Portrait and Art Nude Photography. Work internationally. Realize original projects for...

Europe / Ukraine / Kiev

Milosz Wozaczynski 16

Fine-art, nude and portrait photographer. Born in 1975 in Szczecin, currently living in United Kingdom self-taught photographer. In his work he mainly engages in portraits and creative photography. He...

Europe / United Kingdom / Birmingham


Former Professional photographer, now semi-retired. All of my model-photography is conducted on a strictly hobby-basis with no commercial outlet. I prefer to work with models who have an interest...

Europe / Germany / Iserlohn

kings & thieves 1

KINGS & THIEVES love chasers. blue mountains based elopement and small gathering wedding photographers.

Oceania / Australia

kingdom / Portrait  photography by Photographer ESPRIT CONFUS ★100 | STRKNG

kingdom - © ESPRIT CONFUS

zick-zack, #1 / Landscapes  photography by Photographer Thomas Bichler ★30 | STRKNG

zick-zack, #1 - © Thomas Bichler

lost in-between / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Nanne Springer Photography ★15 | STRKNG

lost in-between - © Nanne Springer Photography
Fong King Wong

kingsdale bridge, #1 / Nude  photography by Photographer Thomas Bichler ★30 | STRKNG

kingsdale bridge, #1 - © Thomas Bichler
Lulu Lockhart

The Autumn King / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Andrea Peipe ★10 | STRKNG

The Autumn King - © Andrea Peipe
Andreas Sichel

Footprints / Cityscapes  photography by Photographer Lee Acaster ★38 | STRKNG

Footprints - © Lee Acaster

Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures

Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures

Das Buch *Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures*, herausgegeben von Laurence King Publishing und am 20. November 2018 erschienen, umfasst 392 Seiten und ist in englischer Sprache verfasst. Die Abmessungen betragen 28,07 x 4,45 x 33,91 cm. Dieses umfangreiche Werk, das von Bonnie McCurry, der Schwester von Steve McCurry, zusammengestellt wurde, bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über vier Jahrzehnte von McCurry's fotografischem Schaffen. Mit über 350 Bildern, darunter mehr als 100 bisher unveröffentlichte, beleuchtet das Buch McCurry's bekannteste Arbeiten sowie persönliche Notizen und Reflexionen seiner Wegbegleiter. Es gilt als das definitive Buch über McCurry und seine einzigartige Herangehensweise an die Fotografie.
Instant - Blog post by Photographer Filthy Wizard / 2019-06-08 08:12
Legs 2.1 / Instant-Film
Legs 2.1
Legs 2.2 / Instant-Film
Legs 2.2
Legs 2.3 / Instant-Film
Legs 2.3
Legs 2.4 / Instant-Film
Legs 2.4
Instant - Blog post by Photographer Filthy Wizard / 2019-03-02 15:23
» #1/4 « / Instant / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/filthy+wizard/">Photographer Filthy Wizard</a> / 2019-03-02 15:23 / Instant-Film
» #2/4 « / Instant / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/filthy+wizard/">Photographer Filthy Wizard</a> / 2019-03-02 15:23 / Instant-Film
» #3/4 « / Instant / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/filthy+wizard/">Photographer Filthy Wizard</a> / 2019-03-02 15:23 / Instant-Film
» #4/4 « / Instant / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/filthy+wizard/">Photographer Filthy Wizard</a> / 2019-03-02 15:23 / Instant-Film
MARIE ANTOINETTE REVISITED - Blog post by Photographer Rob Linsalata / 2017-11-13 01:55
Marie Antoinette Dreams / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette Dreams
Marie Antoinette Dreams
Marie Antoinette Enjoyed Simple Pleasures / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette Enjoyed Simple Pleasures
Marie Antoinette Enjoyed Simple Pleasures
Marie Antoinette Lost Her Head Once Or Twice / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette Lost Her Head Once Or Twice
Marie Antoinette Lost Her Head Once Or Twice
Marie Antoinette was a Complicated Woman / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette was a Complicated Woman
Marie Antoinette was a Complicated Woman
Marie Antoinette was a Punk / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette was a Punk
Marie Antoinette was a Punk
Marie Antoinette was a Romantic / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette was a Romantic
Marie Antoinette was a Romantic
Marie Antoinette was Fastidious / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette was Fastidious
Marie Antoinette was Fastidious
Marie Antoinette was a Libertine / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,Marie Antoinette was a Libertine
Marie Antoinette was a Libertine
The Queen and Her Pleasures / Conceptual / Marie Antoinette Revisited,The Queen and Her Pleasures
The Queen and Her Pleasures
Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-07-19 13:07

Editors' Selection - #13 2016-06-20 - 2016-07-24
Cover »forever is not so long« © Tim Cavadini with Sandra Löwenherz

Many thanks to the contributors
adina salome h.· alyz· ananda modelpage· andré gonçalves· annesophielandou· arianna ceccarelli photography· artwood black forest· astrid schulz· aufzehengehen· axel j. scherer· bartholomäus wischnewski· beatrice almhagen· carolina sandoval· charlie foster· citpelo· claude· colin· cornel· cyanidemishka· daniel kwon· dasha and mari· david broz· dennis ramos· dianne claire alinsonorin· dusk/黃昏少年· elena korn· elisa paci· esprit confus· eugene reno· eusepia lehe· fabrizio foto· fabrizio olivi· felixinden· framafo· gsvoow· guttæ· igor b. glik· iris syzlack· jaioneamantegiestudio· jessica drew· jott· kathastrophe· kathrin broden· kayserlich· kings & thieves· lan0831· lauracallsen· lavinia dada· lena· lennylw· lichttherapie.· lisa· luca galavotti· luxxlooks photography· madame peach· marc von martial· mark emerson hamilton· marta.enigma· martin strauss· mathilde neron· meike_i· melania brescia· mifaphoto· miss souls· model sanctum· monika keller· movsaeky· mrs.poziguzo· nakiesheri· paul hamilton· rémi· resa rot· rupertt· sandrino donnhauser· sara lorusso· sarah-philline· sergey sivushkin· sermon fortapelsson· simon wagner· sleep, dream· stefan beutler· stefano majno· sturmideenkind· sztruks· thomas gauck· tim cavadini· tim harvey· tobias glawe· tony lillo· triz täss· unknown· valeriafraile· victoria lo.· wendy sama· wildwoodssoul· zarina nares


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