"holly" - photography

back to Hollywood / Portrait  photography by Photographer Dennis Süßmuth ★4 | STRKNG

back to Hollywood - © Dennis Süßmuth

The holly of desire (monochrome) / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Rapid.Heart.Movement ★26 | STRKNG

The holly of desire (monochrome) - © Rapid.Heart.Movement

Made in Hollywood / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Volker Lewe ★3 | STRKNG

Made in Hollywood - © Volker Lewe

Apelpisia / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Paracosm Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Apelpisia - © Paracosm Photography

Lost in your eyes / Everyday  photography by Model Dra'Shawn ★1 | STRKNG

Lost in your eyes - © Dra'Shawn

Indigo Kids / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Model Dra'Shawn ★1 | STRKNG

Indigo Kids - © Dra'Shawn

Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography

Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography

Im Jahr 1988 nahm Peter Lindbergh die legendären White Shirts-Fotos in Malibu auf, die Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington und andere Supermodels zeigten und die Modefotografie neu definierten. Dieser großformatige Bildband versammelt über 300 Bilder aus Lindberghs vierzigjähriger Karriere und zeigt seine humanistische, filmisch inspirierte Herangehensweise, die sowohl Schönheit als auch Persönlichkeit in den Vordergrund stellt. Von seiner Arbeit für Größen wie Rei Kawakubo und Karl Lagerfeld bis hin zu ikonischen Hollywood-Porträts, bietet das Buch einen tiefen Einblick in Lindberghs Einfluss auf die Mode- und Kunstwelt und enthält ein aufschlussreiches Interview aus dem Jahr 2016.
Dana is the Name for a Movie Star - Blog post by Photographer constantYearing / 2021-03-28 11:54
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star / Mode / Beauty
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star / Mode / Beauty
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star / Mode / Beauty
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star / Mode / Beauty
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star / Mode / Beauty
Dana is the Name of a Movie Star


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