New photos are submitted permanently to the STRKNG portfolios. Which images are good and are they going through? Rate yourself.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
Open minded and open hearted young woman using her time on earth to express and discover herself through art. Creativity comes to me in many shapes and forms, modeling started from selfie shots as...
Europe / Germany / Hessen / Bad homburg
In der Porträtfotografie ist neben dem technischem Know how der Blick für die Person das Entscheidende. „Es ist wichtig, mein Gegenüber in seiner Persönlichkeit schnell zu erfassen, um diese...
Europe / Germany / Hessen / Holunderweg 2, 34270 Schauenburg