obiwolf 5

I live in Berlin and can travel to anywhere in germany and europe. I enjoy making portraits and am always looking for opportunities to explore different moods and styles. Always looking for people...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Christian Drost 8

My name is Christian Drost and I'm a Berlin based photographer that is mostly fascinated by human body forms and their aesthetics. In my opinion there is beauty in every of us and I always try...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Schieper 1

Mich fasziniert das Gesicht eines Menschen mit all seiner Gestik und Mimik, Charaktere, Typen ... die Natur für die Ewigkeit festzuhalten, wie sie einem im Augenblick des Sehens erscheinen! I am...

Europe / Germany / Sachsen-Anhalt / Magdeburg