Get Wierd - © Artsy AF Photography

The Complexity of Water - © Artsy AF Photography

Charleen - © david_gonsior_photographie
Astrid Susanna Schulz was born 1972 in Wildeshausen/Germany. As an autodidact she started photography with focus on portrait and nude art in 2013. Actually she lives and works in Bremen/Germany.
I`m 40 years old and live in Bavaria. My focus is on black and white photography and fine artwork.
Europe / Germany / Bayern / Großkarolinenfeld
She was born in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, 1970. After finishing her studies in Venice, she teamed her work as an architect with her passion for Photography, making it her main expression medium....
Dirk Rohra is a German photographer who has since 2019 specialized in the genres of portrait and nude photography. His ability to capture human emotions is evident in his visual excellence,...
Europe / Germany / Sachsen-Anhalt / Halle
Magdalena Lutek is a 29-year-old photographer based in Poland who works under the pseudonym Nishe. Her photographs are sensual and dreamy, with a particular focus on nature, gestures and emotions.
CEXN is a label that is reaching beyond fashion to costuming art and that has developed a unique style of divine beauty hand in hand with its disruption. Using unusual materials crafted into organic...
Europe / Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Mainz
Get Wierd - © Artsy AF Photography
The Complexity of Water - © Artsy AF Photography
Charleen - © david_gonsior_photographie
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