Portrait photography, street photography, event photography and other forms of photography that focus on capturing people in different contexts are all considered forms of human photography. The goal of this type of photography is to capture the personality, emotions, or atmosphere of the person(s) being photographed and convey that through the image.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
Der Bildermacher / Tom Hampl / Fotograf / Available Light Artist / Minimalist / SW / Lichtgeschichten / since 1998 /
Hi, I'm Janine. Passionate portrait and black and white photographer. I take natural, real and authentic pictures. I live in West Germany, am 40 years old, married, warmhearted and extremely...
Photographer living near Braunschweig, Germany. I am always interested in new collaborations.
Schön, das Ihr vorbei schaut. Nachdem ich jahrelang als Hobbymodel viele Erfahrungen gemacht habe, möchte ich die inspierende Kunst auch selbst erschaffen. Fotografiert habe ich schon seit der...