By the lake / Documentary  photography by Photographer David Mendes | STRKNG

By the lake - © Photographer David Mendes

Sitting with Mother / Documentary  photography by Photographer Irena Siwiak Atamewan | STRKNG

Sitting with Mother - © Photographer Irena Siwiak Atamewan

Sitting with Mother / Documentary  photography by Photographer Irena Siwiak Atamewan | STRKNG

Sitting with Mother - © Photographer Irena Siwiak Atamewan

Men at Work / Documentary  photography by Photographer motoki | STRKNG

Men at Work - © Photographer motoki

Hart am Wind (Verlorener Horizont) / Documentary  photography by Photographer xprssnst | STRKNG

Hart am Wind (Verlorener Horizont) - © Photographer xprssnst

Indigenous People / Documentary  photography by Photographer Cherylyn Vanzuela ★3 | STRKNG

Indigenous People - © Photographer Cherylyn Vanzuela