St. Pauli bei Tag / Cityscapes  photography by Photographer Mirko Karsch ★2 | STRKNG

St. Pauli bei Tag - © Photographer Mirko Karsch

Between Dusk and Dawn / Entre chien et loup / Cityscapes  photography by Photographer MrPascal | STRKNG

Between Dusk and Dawn / Entre chien et loup - © Photographer MrPascal

Schnappschuss / Cityscapes  photography by Photographer Johannes S. | STRKNG

Schnappschuss - © Photographer Johannes S.

Ghent, something old, something new / Cityscapes  photography by Photographer Ms Janssen ★1 | STRKNG

Ghent, something old, something new - © Photographer Ms Janssen

Pamplona / Cityscapes  photography by Photographer lgv-design | STRKNG

Pamplona - © Photographer lgv-design

No Accusations / Cityscapes  photography by Photographer Frederic Boivin | STRKNG

No Accusations - © Photographer Frederic Boivin