New photos are submitted permanently to the STRKNG portfolios. Which images are good and are they going through? Rate yourself.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
Mein Faible für Menschenportraits kombiniert mit Kreativität bin ich am entdecken. Ich arbeite am liebsten mit available light, weil ich dieses Licht sehr gerne mag und es mir ganz viele...
Europe / Switzerland / Bern
Fotografa e pittrice predilige il ritratto ed ama sperimentare con la luce. Dal 2020 la fotografia è diventata il suo linguaggio principale.
I'm Trisha, nude art model, self-portrait artist and photographer. Please enjoy my creative work and gather some inspiration.
I'm a phothographer with homebase in Eslohe / Sauerland.