"eating" - photography

The Virgin from "Hunger for Love" series / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Magdalena Franczuk ★33 | STRKNG

The Virgin from "Hunger for Love" series - © Magdalena Franczuk
Barbara Ferlak

The Marriage from "Hunger for Love" series / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Magdalena Franczuk ★33 | STRKNG

The Marriage from "Hunger for Love" series - © Magdalena Franczuk
Barbara Ferlak

Have a break,have a cake / Portrait  photography by Photographer Claudia Hantschel ★4 | STRKNG

Have a break,have a cake - © Claudia Hantschel

[this deep, dark hole in my soul, eating my hopes, eating my dreams, feeding my fears] / Black and White  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[this deep, dark hole in my soul, eating my hopes, eating my dreams, feeding my fears] - © diefraunamenshorst

Un corpo da limare / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Sophie Germano ★3 | STRKNG

Un corpo da limare - © Sophie Germano

Mum eating breakfast / Documentary  photography by Photographer Angela Goossens | STRKNG

Mum eating breakfast - © Angela Goossens


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