Ich nehme meine Umwelt gerne als stiller Betrachter wahr. das Flüchtige, der Augenblick, dass gewinnt meine Aufmerksamkeit. Und so entstehen meine Aufnahmen, immer Schwarz-Weiß, ohne Effekte,...
Europe / Germany / Hessen / Altenstadt
I'm a physician but also an international award winning landscape photographer. Yet model photography seems to be more and more important for me and I am thinking about the several ways to combine...
Frank & Steff have been working as a photographer duo since 2004. The symbiosis of male and female views, initially thought of as an experiment, soon manifested itself as a happy coincidence...
Mauro Sini has worked for years in the fields of architecture, fashion, theatre and portrait photography. His architectural studies have conditioned his view of the world and contributed to defining...
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