Conceptual photography, also known as conceptual art photography, is an art form in which the concept and idea take precedence and are considered as equal to the photographic technique and aesthetics. The aim is to express an idea or concept through photographic means to convey a certain message or statement. This can involve abstract concepts or political and social issues. In conceptual photography, the photographic technique can often be secondary as the idea and concept take center stage.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
Natalie's soulful PhotoArt - mehr als nur ein Foto! zeigt, was hinter dem Menschen steckt, der VOR der Kamera steht. Ich bin Bauchtänzerin und leidenschaftliche Fotokünstlerin und fotgrafiere im...
Photostories, creative works and exciting the curiosity things under the dew sign. "It's a small creative team led by two photographers - Iliya Yagodinsky and Elena Kozlova working together to...
Meine Fotos mögen eine Geschichte erzählen oder den Hauch des Moments wiedergeben, in dem sie entstanden sind. Sie mögen manchmal zeigen, was alle Menschen verbindet.