"club" - photography

Ralph Gräf 5

In fall 2006, my scientific career as a cell biologist brought me from Munich to Potsdam near Berlin. Photography has escorted me through my whole adulthood. Yet, it was my move to Potsdam that...

Europe / Germany / Brandenburg / Potsdam

Erik Schlicksbier 5

Ich bin Erik — Liebhaber des gepflegten Briefaustauschs, leidenschaftlicher Film-Nerd, Design-Fanatiker, Beobachter der kleinen Dinge und Küstenkind. Meine Kindheit war im elterlichen Haus...

Europe / Germany / Schleswig-Holstein / Kiel

Augusto De Luca 1

Augusto De Luca graduated in law, then became a professional photographer in the mid-1970s, working along the boundary line between traditional and experimental photography. With his style, he has...

Europe / Italy / Naples


Graduation in Fine Arts, ARCA-EUAC, University School of Arts of Coimbra. Was lecturer in Visual Arts from 1996 to 2012. Participated in several exhibitions of painting and installation,...

Europe / Portugal

Will you love me tomorrow / People  photography by Photographer Foxy Violet ★2 | STRKNG

Will you love me tomorrow - © Foxy Violet

Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, May 1967, Bremen / Germany / Documentary  photography by Photographer Hans-Martin Doelz ★4 | STRKNG

Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, May 1967, Bremen / Germany - © Hans-Martin Doelz

Blurred Beauty / Portrait  photography by Photographer Foxy Violet ★2 | STRKNG

Blurred Beauty - © Foxy Violet

The Hat Club / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer Rob Linsalata ★10 | STRKNG

The Hat Club - © Rob Linsalata
Hayley Ellison

late, late in the gentlemen's club / Nude  photography by Photographer hady ★8 | STRKNG

late, late in the gentlemen's club - © hady
Juri Bogenheimer

Wax me / Performance  photography by Photographer Foxy Violet ★2 | STRKNG

Wax me - © Foxy Violet

Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott

Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott

Mert Alas und Marcus Piggott, die sich in den 1990er Jahren im Londoner Clubleben kennenlernten, starteten ihre Karriere in der Modefotografie mit einem Cover für Dazed & Confused. Heute gestalten sie das Image großer Marken und porträtieren prominente Persönlichkeiten, wobei sie für ihre Darstellung starker und sexuell selbstbewusster Frauen bekannt sind. Ihr Werk, das zusammen mit Giovanni Bianco entstand, zeigt ihre kreative Partnerschaft und deren Einfluss auf die Rückkehr des Glamours in die Fashionfotografie.
In The Beginning - Blog post by Photographer Clint / 2024-07-03 06:20
I Found The Recording / Action
I Found The Recording
The Light / Nude
The Light
Ceres / Conceptual


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