"birds" - photography

Tim Goodwin Photography

I like to keep things simple: I'm not one for grandiose concepts that involve, say, exotic birds picking Play-doh off rusted auto parts stuck to your shoulders while I ask you to convey the rising of...

North America / United States of America / New York / New York City


I'm portuguese and live near Braga . I bought my first (and very basic Canon 4000D) SLDR a couple of years ago but only last year starting to take photography more seriously when I discover some...

Europe / Portugal / Braga

the birds / Nude  photography by Photographer Andreas Puhl ★106 | STRKNG

the birds - © Andreas Puhl

eleven birds / Landscapes  photography by Photographer Renate Wasinger ★37 | STRKNG

eleven birds - © Renate Wasinger

tristesse / Landscapes  photography by Photographer Renate Wasinger ★37 | STRKNG

tristesse - © Renate Wasinger

where the birds fly / Nude  photography by Photographer Schiwa Rose ★27 | STRKNG

where the birds fly - © Schiwa Rose

Der letzte Tag im August / Black and White  photography by Photographer Monty Erselius ★16 | STRKNG

Der letzte Tag im August - © Monty Erselius

If they come to look for me i won´t stop them to take me. / Nude  photography by Photographer Marie Casabonne ★5 | STRKNG

If they come to look for me i won´t stop them to take me. - © Marie Casabonne

BIRDS - Blog post by Photographer Thomas Gerwers / 2024-07-05 09:56
Sabrina / Fine Art
Josepha / Fine Art
Tatiana / Fine Art
Madara / Fine Art
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic - Blog post by Photographer Thomas Gerwers / 2023-12-14 07:23
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic / Fine Art
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic / Fine Art
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic / Fine Art
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic / Fine Art
Jane, aus dem Projekt Birds of Baltic
Jane, Birds of Baltic - Blog post by Photographer Thomas Gerwers / 2023-12-13 07:56
Jane, from Birds of Baltic / Fine Art
Jane, from Birds of Baltic
Jane, from Birds of Baltic / Fine Art
Jane, from Birds of Baltic
Jane, from Birds of Baltic / Fine Art
Jane, from Birds of Baltic
Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023 - Blog post by Photographer Thomas Gerwers / 2023-12-12 05:02
Kathrin, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023 / Fine Art
Kathrin, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023
Birte, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023 / Fine Art
Birte, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023
Mona, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023 / Fine Art
Mona, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023
Anja, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023 / Fine Art
Anja, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023
Suse, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023 / Fine Art
Suse, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023
Akka, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023 / Fine Art
Akka, Birds of Baltic, Zinnowitz 2023


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