Portrait photography refers to the art of capturing an image of a person that showcases their individual characteristics and features. Successful artistic portrait photography often focuses on the subject's eyes to bring out their character. This applies to various types of portraits, such as actor photography, celebrity photography, model photography, and general portrait photography. Overall, portrait photography aims to capture the subject's personality in a single image.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
My name's Dovile. I'm a Lithuanian art/nude/erotic model based in Antwerp, Belgium. I've been modeling since 2010.
Regards d’amour, regards complices… Ou au contraire, le regard des autres, celui qui juge, qui toise, qu’on évite. Regarder est bien plus que fixer : le regard a souvent un but. Il est le plus...
French Photographer based in Brussels, Belgium Mostly portrait, mostly Black and White. Occasional nude.
Autodidact photographer, I'm fascinated by portraits taken in natural light.