New photos are submitted permanently to the STRKNG portfolios. Which images are good and are they going through? Rate yourself.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
Based near Stuttgart. Try to make the other picture...
Jens - landscape and people. In love with the arctic countries and natural faces. Landscape photography and workshops at People photography at
Meine Leidenschaft ist es Menschen zu porträtieren. Da ich nicht malen oder zeichnen kann, nehme ich dafür die Kamera. Ich fotografiere seit meiner Kindheit, intensiv aber erst wieder seit ein paar...
Born 1949 in Lüdenscheid, Germany. Hans-Martin Dölz studied Mathematics and Business Administration at the Universities of Bochum and Göttingen and graduated in 1979 with a master’s degree in...