New photos are submitted permanently to the STRKNG portfolios. Which images are good and are they going through? Rate yourself.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
Hi, I´m Artemis, a fine art nude model with over 15 years of experience, based in Vienna, Austria. I have worked internationally, with different photographers, both outdoors as well as in studio....
Zwei Skorpione und ein Fotostudio. Span.: alacrán [alaˈkran] m - der Skorpion. Hi, wir sind Roland (Fotograf) und Nicole (Makeup Artistin). Zwei Skorpione | zwei kreative Köpfe | ein...
Hey everybody, I am a photographer from Innsbruck Austria. Portraitphotography and nudeart photography are my strenghts.