"anima series" - photography

R J Poole - The Anima Series 2

My collective work as an artist is titled the 'Anima Series'. This body of work has been on-going since 1984 and is based on my experience of the feminine aspect within the male psyche – what...

Oceania / Australia / Lismore NSW Australia

Cradle / Fine Art  photography by Photographer R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Cradle - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Drowning with grace / Fine Art  photography by Photographer R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Drowning with grace - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Deliverance / Fine Art  photography by Photographer R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Deliverance - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Total Possession / Fine Art  photography by Photographer R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Total Possession - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Never Ending / Fine Art  photography by Photographer R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Never Ending - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Never just me / Fine Art  photography by Photographer R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Never just me - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-11-17 15:50
Editors' Selection - #16

100 striking images / 2016-10-10 - 2016-11-19

Cover »TOM« © sollenaphotography

Many thanks to the contributors!
@nycdp· adina salome h.· alexander hauck photography· alexander hufenbach photography· alva marleen· alyz· amelie· ana lora· andrea passon· andreas jorns· andreas puhl· andrey merschiy· andy lee· asgy photography· au-contraire photography· axel j. scherer· bảo· catered· christoph ruhrmann· corwin von kuhwede· da fárago· dan photography· daniel rosse· dorotheya· dunkelgrau.fotografie· ecd.2· elisa scascitelli· evangelia· gabienne· heike zanini· herr merzi· igor b. glik· ioannis (yiannis) samaras· jaya suberg· jo grabowski· john-erik· jonica· julie· julie de waroquier· katja kemnitz· kerstin hojka fotografie· kevin salcedo· lichtweisend· lilelu· linda lena blanka· londoncoffee3· luca coculo· lucy marti· magdalena franczuk· manja peeters· marc von martial· margaux· margot· marilla muriel· martin röhr· martina civardi· michael färber photography· michalina wozniak· nakiesheri· namo-modelpage· obiwolf· odin . timo karnatz· pafphoto· paolobarzman· phạm anh tú· pixelworx· r j poole - the anima series· r. chamber photography· rafael scheidle· raimundl79· ralf v. leoprechting· raschfoto.de· robert hutinski· ronny· roofs of neukoelln· rot, resa· rova design· sandra herber· sebastian freitag· sermon fortapelsson· sollenaphotography· stefania sammarro· susanna· thibault roland· thomas füngerlings· thomas gauck· thomas maenz· tom silent fotografie· vanessa conway· victor bezrukov· victor hamke· victoria lo.· vivienne b· wiktor franko· zwischensequenz


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