"tor" - Fotografie

Ellis 35

Canadian photographer drawn to images that have emotion or story.

Nordamerika / Kanada / Toronto

Nanne Springer Photography 15

"Nanne Springer is a self-educated photographer skilled in the art of analog film. Her origins lie in Germany but currently she resides in Canada. The works within these pages are transatlantic,...

Nordamerika / Kanada / Toronto

Torsten Falk 7

"Digital is a bit like socialism. It makes everything the same and boring...", David Bailey.

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Düsseldorf

Torsten Köster 8

Torsten Köster is a street and urban photographer living in Stuttgart. Born in 1970, he discovered his love of photography in the same decade, thanks to a pocket camera that he received at Christmas....

Europa / Deutschland / Baden-Württemberg / Stuttgart

GM Sacco 4

My statement is perfectly summarized by Castaneda's Don Juan: “For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that has heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile...

Europa / Italien / Torino

9 / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Wiktor Franko ★47 | STRKNG

9 - © Wiktor Franko

7 / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Wiktor Franko ★47 | STRKNG

7 - © Wiktor Franko

3 / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Wiktor Franko ★47 | STRKNG

3 - © Wiktor Franko

torso / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf marc von martial ★99 | STRKNG

torso - © marc von martial
Nina Klein

6 / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Wiktor Franko ★47 | STRKNG

6 - © Wiktor Franko

Plunge / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Maria Frodl ★42 | STRKNG

Plunge - © Maria Frodl
Vik Tory

Editors' Selection - #81 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 26.02.2025 14:15

Editors' Selection - #81

100 striking images · 2024-03-07 - 2024-05-05

»Jessica, a tribute to Jock Sturges« © Pascal Chapuis with Modelejessica

acqua&sapone· alexander steger· álvaro novo· antonkimpfbeck· arezoo nikookhesal· arthur mavros· artin darvishi· bartholomäus wischnewski· belapho· benedikt ernst· bianca serena truzzi· carola bührmann· christian meier· cologne boudoir· cristiana zamboni· daniel wochermayr· davalphoto· dirkbee· dmitry baev· dominik granaas· ecd.2· ellis· eric vanden· fabrizio romagnoli· felix spiegel· foxy violet· frank wafer· franz hein· gerhard gruber· graefel· greggory wood· grégoire a. meyer· gregor sticker· grethemabon· håkon grønning· hannanehakhoondi· heinz hagenbucher· holger dülken· imar· ingrid blessing· jens klettenheimer· jevgenij balezin· jörg bongartz· jürgen dröge· lechiam· lena.who.are.you· lichtmichl· lichtundnicht· lilith terra· lina hagemeister· lod· lucas garcete· lucia blašková· mahamaya· martina grabinsky· matheu· matthias naumann· mehdi zavvar· michael hemingway· michael heinzig· nebula andromeda· next.door.photography· norman boesche· olaf korbanek· p3667· pascal chapuis· peter tkac· phil raynaud· qik photography· renate wasinger· rene olejnik· s. monreal· samira hesami· shizuo· solomia baudelaire· stephan joachim· swen muenstermann· thomas bichler· thomas gauck· thomas maenz· thomas rumprath· thomas ruppel· torsten kuban· van helden· vonstein· wendelin kipping· wilfried gebhard· willi schwanke
Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #81 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 20.02.2025 12:24

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #81

1) »Black is the color« © Photographer Ingrid Blessing
2) »Vimadhya« © Model mahamaya Participants: Torsten Kuban
3) »singulartiy, part III« © Photographer Jens Klettenheimer
4) »Stranger« © Photographer Mehdi Zavvar
5) »Jessica, a tribute to Jock Sturges« © Photographer Pascal Chapuis
6) © Photographer Ellis
7) »Persian girl« © Photographer samira hesami
8) »Natasha from Moscow« © Photographer Eric Vanden
9) © Photographer Frank Wafer

Use only one number in the comment.
Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Tuesday 25th February 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far....
Exhibiting in Milan on 19/20 October - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf ugo grandolini / 17.10.2024 08:31
Wieviel Raum darf sein? - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Thomas Bichler / 05.03.2024 17:19
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #68 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 11.05.2023 15:11
Teilnehmer: Fotograf ACR

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #68

100 striking images · 2022-02-12 - 2022-04-06

Cover: »K« | © ACR

Many thanks to the contributors
35mm· @zitacalm· acr· aieta joseph· andy· anna abstraction· apunkt_lou· benzin daniela· berenicef· bogdan bousca· boris bethge· brian childress· bubadibub· carlos odeh· carpe lucem· christophe cormier· cologne boudoir· constantyearing· cristian trippel· daniel c. plänkers· dave hunt· dbxpix· dirk rohra· elisa weis· ewald vorberg· fabrizio romagnoli· felixbrokbals· fotograf-4u· francesco sambati· frank pudel· geka· gernot schwarz· gilles· henning bruns· holger nitschke· ian ross pettigrew· imar· jana.· jens klettenheimer· jonathan trautmann· jurgen beullens· kai mueller· laetitia· latelier· lena.who.are.you· lothar wulff· madeleine kriese· magdalena stawicka· marc von martial· marcus schmidt· marcus staab photographie· maria schäfer photography· mariedanielle· mehdi zavvar· michael hemingway· michael everett· michalina wozniak· mohammad dadsetan· morteza khobzi· msole· mya_b.hind· nadæc· olaf korbanek· pascal chapuis· peter pape· peter tkac· peyman naderi· philippe galanopoulos· pierre pellegrini· ralf schmitz (rasch.photo)· ray chandler· rené benjowski· rensen· samsara ilknur donmez· sanaz babaei· sprache der seele· stephan ernst· svetlanameliknubarova· tdk· thomas rossi· thomas strauss photography· tomáš hudolin· tommaso donato· toon van daalen· torsten falk· turamania art· ute pannicke· wolfgang walter· zhalzone


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