sTILL LiFe / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

sTILL LiFe - © Yens Franke
Laura Mair

Me, inspired by Woudt / Portrait  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

Me, inspired by Woudt - © Yens Franke

sTill LiFe II / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

sTill LiFe II - © Yens Franke

Luise II / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

Luise II - © Yens Franke
Luise Zailer

Jenny two / Portrait  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

Jenny two - © Yens Franke
Jenny Schnitzer

boring times / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

boring times - © Yens Franke

Winter I / Portrait  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

Winter I - © Yens Franke
Christine Winter

Parenthensis XIII / Alternative Process  photography by Photographer Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

Parenthensis XIII - © Yens Franke

2021-01-31 19:52 
Parenthensis XIII / Alternative Techniken / monochrome,print,toyobo,chine-colle,contemporaryart,artphotography
Parenthensis XIII
Parenthensis IX / Alternative Techniken / toyobo,chine-colle,print,artphotography,contemporary,monochrome,YensFranke
Parenthensis IX
Guest at the exhibition / Dokumentation / exhibition,photolover,toyobo,chine-colle,photoart,contemporary,YensFranke,artphotography,Munich
Guest at the exhibition
Pictures at the ArtEspace Gallery / Dokumentation / artespacegallery,toyobo,chine-colle,artprint,exhibition,YensFranke,contemporary,interior,monochrome,print-technique,abstract,Munich
Pictures at the ArtEspace Gallery

Handmade Toyobo-print chine-collé

I am grateful to have been part of a wonderful exhibition at the end of last year, which was so confusing. Because of the constant new editions, it was not easy for the gallery owners of the ARTESPACE GALLERY MUNICH to realize the plan of an exhibition during the Christmas season 2020. In the end, however, the great efforts were more than worth it.

A big thank you also goes to Eric Levert from the Netherlands. Despite the time constraints, this master of printing managed to refine my works for the exhibition into breathtaking Toyobo-prints Chine-Collé within a few days, thus creating two exclusive editions.

But, what is a Toyobo Print? It is a special printmaking technique where a digital file is exposed on a light-sensitive layer. The image is then washed out in water. The plate is a negative and can then be printed as a (positive) etching in circulation. It gives deep dark prints with a beautiful texture. With the ancient Chine-collé technique the image is transferred onto a surface that is bonded onto a heavier support in the printing process. Ultra thin Japanese paper pasted on the heavy cotton etching paper gives the artwork its beautiful color. I love this kind of printing technique. It gives a beautiful uniqueness to each image of an edition.

Past Events

Archive 08.03.2020


Drei Fotografen, ein Genre - Die Differenz in der Menschenfotografie

Sunday, 2020-03-08 24:00h - Sunday, 2020-03-29 13:05h

Jazzclub Unterfahrt, München

Germany / Europe

In der Fotoausstellung „Monochrome Jam“ zeigt der renommierte Jazzclub UNTERFAHRT Arbeiten der Fotografen Olaf Dankert, Yens Franke und Werner Polwein.
Zu sehen sind großformatige Schwarzweiss-Porträts, die deren unterschiedliche Stilisierungen in der Menschenfotografie nicht nur in ihrer individuellen Klasse zeigen, sondern gleichsam, wie unterschiedlich Ergebnisse dreier Künstler innerhalb eines fotografischen Genres ausfallen können.

Die Ausstellung kann vom 03. Februar 2020 bis 25. April 2020 während der regulären Öffnungszeiten (Mo. – So. 19.30 bis 1.00 Uhr) im Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Einsteinsteinstraße 42, 81675 München, besucht werden.

Mehr Informationen zur Austellung und den Künstlern finden Sie auf der Website www.unterfahrt.de

Organizer / Participants: Photographer Yens Franke

Event created by Yens Franke / 2020-03-08 18:38:04

Link: Sunday, 2020-03-08 24:00h - Sunday, 2020-03-29 13:05h / MONOCHROME JAM| Drei Fotografen, ein Genre - Die Differenz in der Menschenfotografie

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Yens Franke verleiht seinen freien Arbeiten als zeitgenössischer Fotokünstler, unabhängig davon, ob Menschen, Orte oder Gegenstände den Fokus bilden, seine eigene Vorstellung von Ästhetik. Yens Frankes bevorzugte Stilrichtung ist die Monochromie. Hierbei bilden matte, tiefe Grautöne in oftmals eher blasser, sanfter Umgebung den roten Faden und geben der klassischen Form seiner Werke eine zeitgenössische Wendung.

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