Nude  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

- © Simone Gernhardt

Claudia (Lensbaby Muse Photo) / Black and White  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

Claudia (Lensbaby Muse Photo) - © Simone Gernhardt
Claudia Schwarz (Model)

Amely (Lensbaby Muse Photo) / Black and White  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

Amely (Lensbaby Muse Photo) - © Simone Gernhardt

Anastasia (Lensbaby Twist60 Photo) / Creative edit  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

Anastasia (Lensbaby Twist60 Photo) - © Simone Gernhardt
Anastasia Mohylna

Mondsmädchen / Nude  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

Mondsmädchen - © Simone Gernhardt
Svenja (Mondsmädchen)

Marla - Photo was taken with a Lensbaby Muse / Black and White  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

Marla - Photo was taken with a Lensbaby Muse - © Simone Gernhardt

Reni Roja / Black and White  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

Reni Roja - © Simone Gernhardt
Reni Roja

Amely (Lensbaby Muse Photo) / Black and White  photography by Photographer Simone Gernhardt ★9 | STRKNG

Amely (Lensbaby Muse Photo) - © Simone Gernhardt

2018-08-30 15:41 
Wasteland - The Red Room / Mode / Beauty / alternative,Asos,Abstract,Beauty,Body,Bokeh,Bochum,Creative,Experimental,editorial,Face,Fashion,Germany,Lensbaby,Lensbaby Muse,Mode,Makeup,Model,Mood,mystic,Outdoor,Wasteland,Styling,Sexy
Wasteland - The Red Room
Wasteland - The beauty of fashion and industry / Mode / Beauty / alternative,Asos,Abstract,Beauty,Body,Bochum,Bokeh,Creative,dress,Experimental,editorial,Fashion,Face,Germany,Lensbaby,Lensbaby Muse,Makeup,Model,Mode,mystic,tattoo,Styling,Sexy,Surreal,Dancer,Nature,Outdoor,Wasteland,sun
Wasteland - The beauty of fashion and industry
Wasteland - The Dancer / Mode / Beauty / alternative,Asos,Abstract,Beauty,Bokeh,Body,Bochum,Creative,dress,Experimental,editorial,Fashion,Face,Germany,dancer,Lensbaby,Lensbaby Muse,Light,Mode,Makeup,Model,Mood,mystic,Nature,Outdoor,Portrait,Styling,Sexy,Surreal,Sun,Wasteland
Wasteland - The Dancer
Wasteland - High buildings in the sky / Mode / Beauty / alternative,Asos,Abstract,Beauty,Bokeh,Body,Bochum,Creative,Experimental,editorial,Fashion,Face,Germany,Lensbaby,Lensbaby Muse,Mode,Makeup,Model,Mood,mystic,Nature,Outdoor,Portrait,project,Styling,Sexy,Surreal,sky,Heaven,Wasteland
Wasteland - High buildings in the sky
Wasteland - Beauty vs. Nature / Mode / Beauty / alternative,Asos,Abstract,Beauty,Bokeh,Body,Bochum,Creative,Experimental,editorial,Fashion,forest,Germany,Holga,Light,heaven,Sky,Mode,Model,Makeup,Mood,mystic,Mystery,Nature,Outdoor,Portrait,project,Plastic lens,Phantasy,Styling,Sexy,Surreal,Redhead,Wasteland
Wasteland - Beauty vs. Nature


The beauty of nature, industrial buildings (Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, Germany) and fashion.

Model & Stylist: The lovely, wonderful Karen Cavallaro.

Pics are taken with a Lensbaby Muse and a Holga Plastic Lens on a DSLR Camera.

Simone Gernhardt

STRKNG participants of portfolio images


Fotografin und MakeUp Artist aus Bochum. Komischer kleiner Kautz, der eigentlich aus der IT und Online Marketing Welt kommt :-) Ich sehe die Welt und meine Modelle durch meine autistischen Augen. Ich liebe es mit meinen Lensbabys und mit meiner Holga Plastic Lens auf einer DSLR Kamera zu fotografieren. Ich fotografiere ausschließlich mit experimentellen Objektiven. Für meine Fotografie nutze ich außerdem Prismen, Folien, Kaleidoskope, bzw. fotografiere ich durch alles ungewöhnliche, das mir in die Finger kommt. Gelegentlich bastle ich selbst Objektive, oder einen Aufsatz für ein Objektiv, um neue Effekte zu erzielen.

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