Hands / Creative edit  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

Hands - © Roland Vogt

Portrait  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

- © Roland Vogt

Body silhouette / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

Body silhouette - © Roland Vogt
Lilith Nachtwind

Kaufhaus in Görlitz / Street  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

Kaufhaus in Görlitz - © Roland Vogt

Shoes / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

Shoes - © Roland Vogt

Flower / Nature  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

Flower - © Roland Vogt

Lehmmenschen / People  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

Lehmmenschen - © Roland Vogt

White Dress / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

White Dress - © Roland Vogt

Lisa / People  photography by Photographer Roland Vogt | STRKNG

Lisa - © Roland Vogt

2020-10-13 21:16 

Streetphotography mit ISO 6400

Streetphotography mit ISO 6400 und Filmkorn (LR und True Grain)
Zugegeben es ist etwas extrem in der Nachbearbeitung, nicht nur das starke Filmkorn sondern auch das extreme Cropping. Ich positionierte mich auf der gegenüber liegenden Straßenseite und fotografierte einige junge Damen gegenüber, während verschiedene Personen mir durch das Bild liefen. Ich fasste immer zwei Bilder zusammen, so wie es mir gerade gefiel.
Ab und zu machen ich gerne etwas anderes, neues, vielleicht gefällt es euch?

in English:
Street photography with ISO 6400 and film grain (LR and True Grain)
Admittedly there is something extreme in the post-production, not only the strong film grain but also the extreme cropping. I positioned myself on the opposite side of the street and photographed some young ladies across the street, while different people walked through the picture.
I always put two pictures together, just the way I liked it.
Now and then I like to do something different, new, maybe you like it?

Past Events

Archive 12.10.2020


Theme: Cultivated

Monday, 2020-10-12 19:00h - Sunday, 2020-11-01 19:00h


Sachsen / Germany / Europe

Who are we and what makes us different? Culture has always been an integral part of our society. Culture helps us to understand, defines our perception, sometimes shows us limits and yet is always open to new things.

People cultivate the (surrounding) world, their environment, set standards in industry, agriculture, society and architecture, and are sometimes even "cultivated". Facets of our daily work and being.


The 6th Photo Festival "Schauplätze" is dedicated to "cultivated!" in all its variety.

Wer sind wir und was macht uns aus? Kultur ist seit jeher ein fester Bestandteil unserer Gesellschaft. Kultur hilft beim Verstehen, definiert unsere Wahrnehmung, zeigt uns manchmal Grenzen und ist dennoch stets offen für Neues.

Menschen kultivieren die (Um)Welt, ihr Umfeld, setzen Maßstäbe in Industrie, Landwirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Architektur, sind mitunter gar kultiviert. Schauplätze unseres Schaffens.

Das 6. Fotofestival „Schauplätze“ widmet sich vom 10. September bis 01. November 2020 „kultiviert!“ in all seinen Formen.

Event created by Roland Vogt / 2020-10-12 21:12:03

Link: Monday, 2020-10-12 19:00h - Sunday, 2020-11-01 19:00h / GÖRLITZER FOTOFESTIVAL 2020| Theme: Cultivated

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I'm a passionate photographer I like to photograph people and other things.
Often in black and white and with film grain, but look for yourself.
I hope the emotions I feel in my photos can be transferred to others.

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