necklace / Nude  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

necklace - © photographysh

sensual / Portrait  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

sensual - © photographysh

industry / Portrait  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

industry - © photographysh
Alessa Ghoulish

city lights / Portrait  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

city lights - © photographysh
Mad Mel

freight yard / Nude  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

freight yard - © photographysh

chair / Nude  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

chair - © photographysh

fire hydrant / Nude  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

fire hydrant - © photographysh

windy / Portrait  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

windy - © photographysh

calm / Portrait  photography by Photographer photographysh ★1 | STRKNG

calm - © photographysh

2020-06-20 20:04 

available light shooting

Outdoor Portrait-Shooting nur mit vorhandenem Licht.

2019-10-25 18:06 
My baby takes the morning train... / Portrait
My baby takes the morning train...
My baby takes the morning train... / Portrait
My baby takes the morning train...
My baby takes the morning train... / Portrait
My baby takes the morning train...
My baby takes the morning train... / Portrait
My baby takes the morning train...
My baby takes the morning train... / Portrait
My baby takes the morning train...

My baby takes the morning train...

Wenn die Bahn mal wieder etwas laenger auf sich warten laesst.

2019-01-11 19:08 

Around the gas storage tank

Shooting im Umfeld eines alten Gaskessels in Wuppertal.

2018-12-29 17:54 


In den Strassen von Wuppertal...
Mit Model Lisa Ariane bin ich durch die Strassen der Wuppertaler Innenstadt gezogen. Die Technik habe ich auf ein Minimum reduziert: DSLR mit Normalbrennweite und die Bilder in Schwarzweiss.


STRKNG participants of portfolio images


non-commercial photography - just for fun
Wuppertal / Aachen

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