the glimpse - © Martial Rossignol

Hanna - © Martial Rossignol

By the beauty of a half-century - © Martial Rossignol
the glimpse - © Martial Rossignol
Hanna - © Martial Rossignol
By the beauty of a half-century - © Martial Rossignol
Bei der Erstellung eines Fotos spielen viele Parameter eine Rolle, von denen einige durchaus kontrollierbar sind, andere aber manchmal völlig zufällig. In dieser Serie hat sich der Wind dazu entschieden, den Körper des Modells auf poetische Weise zu umhüllen.
Numerous parameters come into play in the making of a photograph, some of which are entirely controllable, while others can be totally random. In this series, the wind has chosen to envelop the model's body in a poetic way. Sometimes the wind is my friend!
Le Palais, place Léopold, Arlon
Belgium / Europe
Invité Christophe Jacrot
What I like about the portrait is obviously the light but also the material. This is why I work as both a painter and a photographer. All the effects of materials and colors are therefore developed during the shooting. I paint on transparent film with colored gels or not, acrylic paints, powders, pigments, etc.