[ /\ ] / Fine Art  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[ /\ ] - © diefraunamenshorst

[the sense lies within the senselessness pt 3] / Conceptual  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[the sense lies within the senselessness pt 3] - © diefraunamenshorst

[empty] / Fine Art  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[empty] - © diefraunamenshorst

[homecoming] / Fine Art  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[homecoming] - © diefraunamenshorst

[does the world still exist when your eyes are closed?] / Black and White  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[does the world still exist when your eyes are closed?] - © diefraunamenshorst

[the sense lies within the senselessness pt 5] / Conceptual  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[the sense lies within the senselessness pt 5] - © diefraunamenshorst

[say no to the things that keep you small] / Fine Art  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[say no to the things that keep you small] - © diefraunamenshorst

[and I had outgrown my world] / Fine Art  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[and I had outgrown my world] - © diefraunamenshorst

[this deep, dark hole in my soul, eating my hopes, eating my dreams, feeding my fears] / Black and White  photography by Photographer diefraunamenshorst ★5 | STRKNG

[this deep, dark hole in my soul, eating my hopes, eating my dreams, feeding my fears] - © diefraunamenshorst



Moods are what I want to express ... emotional worlds.

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