"thought" - Fotografie

Nathan Wirth 17

Nathan Wirth, who was born and raised in San Francisco, is a self-learned photographer that uses a variety of techniques— including long exposure and infrared— to express his unending wonder of...

Nordamerika / Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika / California / Marin County

Jevgenij Balezin 8

Heya! I'm Jevgenij Balezin, a freelance portrait photographer based in Vilnius. My love for photography​ started at a really early age, but only with time,​ did I actually start to...

Europa / Litauen / Vilnius

Paul van Bueren 8

I consider myself to be an Artist, I have the ability to transfer my thoughts and feelings into Photographs. Researching my childhood memories. In my work I am Focusing on humans and their direct...

Europa / Niederlande / Goes

Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs 6

Frank & Steff have been working as a photographer duo since 2004. The symbiosis of male and female views, initially thought of as an experiment, soon manifested itself as a happy coincidence...

Europa / Deutschland / Baden-Württemberg / Stuttgart

ElisaImperi 7

My name is Elisa and I was born in Umbria in 1988, sometimes take refuge in the small rays of light and that loves photography. I approach to photography as an autodidact, studying and reading books...

Europa / Großbritannien

Solomia Baudelaire 5

i enjoy self-portraiture and thoughtful, storytelling photography. use every art as a form of therapy, healing and self expression. if someone else finds it resonating means we've been able to...

Europa / Ukraine / Kyiv

A slow thought / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Bianca Serena Truzzi ★65 | STRKNG

A slow thought - © Bianca Serena Truzzi

Thoughts about a boring morning and an approaching storm / Menschen  Fotografie von Fotografin MOTH ART ★119 | STRKNG

Thoughts about a boring morning and an approaching storm - © MOTH ART

Thoughts / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotografin Maria Frodl ★42 | STRKNG

Thoughts - © Maria Frodl

La Loba | Sea of Thoughts II / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf dunkeltraum ★31 | STRKNG

La Loba | Sea of Thoughts II - © dunkeltraum
Luzie La Loba

naturally artifical. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf Jens Klettenheimer ★39 | STRKNG

naturally artifical. - © Jens Klettenheimer

Thoughts / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Kostiantyn Baran ★10 | STRKNG

Thoughts - © Kostiantyn Baran

In The Elemental - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Clint / 23.03.2025 07:57
KI in der Fotografie / AI in Photography - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 19.12.2024 12:46

KI in der Fotografie / AI in Photography

"Künstliche Intelligenz" - Neue Kategorie für STRKNG?

Die Fotografie hat sich bereits von der analogen Technik hin zur digitalen Revolution gewandelt, und nun hält künstliche Intelligenz Einzug – von unterstützender Bildbearbeitung bis hin zur kompletten Bilderzeugung. Soll STRKNG eine neue Kategorie für KI-Bilder einführen, oder sollten wir uns weiterhin auf klassische Fotografie konzentrieren?

Eure Meinungen sind gefragt!

"Artificial Intelligence" - A New Category for STRKNG?

Photography has already transitioned from analog techniques to the digital revolution, and now artificial intelligence is making its way into the field – from supportive image editing to fully generated images. Should STRKNG introduce a new category for AI-generated works, or should we continue to focus on classic photography?

We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Sensual Nude Photography: A Journey Beyond the Surface - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf virtuzz / 22.11.2024 09:48
The Curse of Sleeping Beauty - Blog-Beitrag von Model Sophie / 16.10.2024 07:49
Henk und drei Rollen Film - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Ewald Vorberg / 25.08.2024 15:36


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