"technology" - Fotografie

Streetmax21 3

As a street photographer, I take an observational view of how our present circumstances govern our behaviour individually and in crowds. Progressively, we appear to interact with each other only on a...

Europa / Großbritannien / London

Annalena Joschko 1

I started over ten years ago when I got my first camera as a gift for Christmas. From then on, I had not only on trips, but also on walks through nature, the camera regularly with me. It then remained...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Lünen

Photographe de Sherbrooke 2

Jean-François Dupuis Artist Statement: I have worked as an advertising photographer for years. Now I'm concentrating on fineart photography using the computer and printing on a wideformat inkjet...

Nordamerika / Kanada / Sherbrooke

hpd-fotografy 1

For more than 30 years (with long stretched interruptions) I am trying to MAKE images, as opposed to just 'taking shots'. Ansel Adams spoke straight from my heart when he said exactly that in his...

Europa / Wiesbaden


Welcome, i practice fine art photography on various subjects. I paint with the light and colors of nature. Almost all effects are created when the photos are taken. Initially with analog film and...

Europa / Frankreich / St. Vivien de Médoc

Florian Hagenbring

“It’s not about the technology or which camera you use. It’s not about digital or analog, high or low quality. Pictures express feelings for me and each picture tells a story that connects me...

Europa / Deutschland / Thüringen / Jena

Windturbine / Abstrakt  Fotografie von Fotograf Tomáš Hudolin ★2 | STRKNG

Windturbine - © Tomáš Hudolin


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