"symbol" - Fotografie

Buddabar Michal 15

Michał Buddabar is a controversial artist who has been taking photos since 2008. In spite of his short experience, he won a lot of competitions, honorable mentions and press publications thanks to...

Europa / Polen / Warsaw

Pablo Fanque’s Fair 8

Pablo Fanque's Fair is the project in the field of visual arts based on photography that combines material and digital techniques in aspiration to present in images а beauty that is physically...

Europa / Russische Föderation (A) / Yaroslavl

Torsten Haberland 5

Photography "With my works I invite you to look into my feelings and feelings." Torsten Haberland has, over the course of time, become a project-related, conceptually working...

Europa / Deutschland / Bremen / Bremen

Gabriel Isak 5

I use photography as a metaphor for experiences of the soul by creating photographs that are simple in form, but rich in ideas and emotions. My imagery entails surreal and melancholic scenes...

Europa / Schweden

Alessandra Favetto 2

Alessandra Favetto is a self-taught fine art photographer, visual and surreal artist. Born in Italy, working and living in Spain, since 2005. Her style is true, passionate and very emotional. In...

Europa / Spanien / Sevilla

Sofia Dalamagka

My work is surreal. Symbolizations, implications, and disguised up-drawings of memories, dominate. I have been affected by hyper-realism and the Dada movement. Lately I have been experimenting with...

Europa / Griechenland / Arkitsa

Sophie 1

I am a transgender non-op woman, with about two years of modelling experience. - I like to explore universal symbols in my work, and use them for my favourite topics: gender, feminism and climate...

Europa / Deutschland / Berlin

Cradle / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Cradle - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

The Phantom In the House of Love / Konzeptionell  Fotografie von Fotograf Pablo Fanque’s Fair ★8 | STRKNG

The Phantom In the House of Love - © Pablo Fanque’s Fair

Drowning with grace / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Drowning with grace - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Deliverance / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Deliverance - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Surreales Selbstporträt, inspiriert von René Magritte. / Kreativ  Fotografie von Fotograf Franz Hein | STRKNG

Surreales Selbstporträt, inspiriert von René Magritte. - © Franz Hein

Total Possession / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf R J Poole - The Anima Series ★2 | STRKNG

Total Possession - © R J Poole - The Anima Series

Prisoner of hypocrisy - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Simone Conti / 08.12.2024 15:12
Prisoner #1 / Portrait / ropes,eyes,fear
Prisoner #1
Prisoner #2 / Portrait / ropes,red,fear,eyes
Prisoner #2
Prisoner #3 / Portrait / red,ropes,blind,fear
Prisoner #3
Prisoner #4 / Portrait / red,ropes,blind,fear
Prisoner #4
Lübeck - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf xprssnst / 21.07.2024 20:28
Am Salzspeicher / Stadtlandschaften / Lübeck,Hanse,Backstein
Am Salzspeicher
Holstentor und Türme der Marienkirche / Stadtlandschaften / Lübeck,Hanse,Backstein
Holstentor und Türme der Marienkirche
Blick auf die Türme der Marienkirche / Stadtlandschaften / Lübeck,Hanse,Backstein
Blick auf die Türme der Marienkirche
Eingang zur Marienkirche, dahinter das Rathaus  / Stadtlandschaften / Lübeck,Hanse,Backstein
Eingang zur Marienkirche, dahinter das Rathaus
Blick auf Rathaus und Marienkirche  / Stadtlandschaften / Lübeck,Hanse,Backstein
Blick auf Rathaus und Marienkirche
An der Ägidienkirche / Stadtlandschaften / Lübeck,Hanse,Backstein
An der Ägidienkirche
Blick auf die Türme des Dom zu Lübeck  / Stadtlandschaften / Lübeck,Hanse,Backstein
Blick auf die Türme des Dom zu Lübeck
BIRDS - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Thomas Gerwers / 05.07.2024 09:56
Sabrina / Fine Art
Josepha / Fine Art
Tatiana / Fine Art
Madara / Fine Art


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