Fotografin angelique.boissiere / Fotograf Christophe_Staelens / Fotograf Disillusion / Fotograf IgorKostin / Fotograf Ingo Mueller / Model Manya Muse / Fotograf Monty Erselius / Fotograf Pascal Chapuis / Fotografin Veronika's Blickwinkel
Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #47
Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue »STRKNG Editors' Selection - #47« and comment with your favorite image number.1 »Jeanne« © Photographer hetocy
2 Weg in den Herbst« © Photographer Monty Erselius
3 »Black hole sun« © Photographer Christophe_Staelens
4 »What Is and What Should Never Be« © Photographer Ingo Mueller
5 »Marée« © Model Manya Muse with photographer angelique.boissiere
6 © Model Lin Chong with photographer Sprache der Seele
7 »Hold me!« © Photographer IgorKostin
8 »Overflow« © Photographer Disillusion
9 © Model La bestia incontrolable with photographer Christoph Boecken
Please use the number in the comment.
Only one vote per person. Thank you!
Voting ends Wednesday 25th November 23:55h MET
Publication covers so far....

Fotografin ESPRIT CONFUS / Model Linda Lena Blanka
STRKNG Editors' Selection - #38
100 striking images · 2018-12-24 - 2019-01-28Cover
»naiad's kiss« | © ESPRIT CONFUS with Model Linda Lena Blanka
Many Thanks to the contributors:
4spo· adolfo valente· albert finch· alex jost· alexander steger· alexconu· ander· ando fuchs· andreas puhl· andreas reh· andy lee· anka zhuravleva· anna avramenko abstraction· anna försterling· antonio palmerini· astrid schulz· atmospheres of light· attila tevi· bianca serena truzzi· bienvenido cruz· buddabar michal· christian hang· daniel anhut fotografie· david broz· dirkbee· dmitry baev· dr. b· ele_noir· ent.art.et· esprit confus· eugene reno· ewa cwikla· ewald vorberg· felix wesch· felixbrokbals· gregor sticker· grethe_mn· hans krum· hendrik janssen· henry gush· henryk· jens taube· kai mueller· kaya· lechiam· leonid litvac· loris arcostanzo· louise viam· lukas kaminski· marcel weste· maria frodl· marko polonio· markus steinhoff· martin klucznik· marιləbοᴎe(s)· matthew pine· menschenbilder, uli dunkel· miriam nissen· mort gerstmann· naenzieh· nanne springer photography· neueansichten68· olaf radcke· oliver fischer· pascal wiedemann· philippe galanopoulos· philomena famulok· photographer tetsuro higashi· pierpaolo maso· piotr polakiewicz· r. arnold· rafael scheidle· ralf tophoven· renate wasinger· reni weber· resa rot· schieflicht· solddoubt· stefan beutler· tobi zisterer· torsten falk· udo klinkel· ungemuetlich· vamitos· verwunschlicht· victor hamke· victoria lo.· willi schwanke· woman of dark desires· yulkin evgenij

Fotografin Anka Zhuravleva
STRKNG Editors' Selection - #37
100 striking images · 2018-11-18 - 2018-12-24Cover
»***« | © Anka Zhuravleva
Many Thanks to the contributors:
4spo· alyz· ana lora· anka zhuravleva· anne silver· anulikin· astrid schulz· axakadam· axel schneegass· b.hansen· benoit cattiaux· birke fähnrich· blaueliebe.· cameron schiller· christian fuhrmann· christian hang· claudia gerhard· crelm· daniel anhut fotografie· daniel krueger· dark indigo· david schütte· detlef reich· diefraunamenshorst· dmitry baev· dorotheya· duda dias· edyta marciniak· enrico blumer· erik witsoe· ewald vorberg· francesco sambati· george emil odthermat· germán saez· grethe_mn· grozdan milovic· gruford· hans krum· henryk· holger nitschke· jenny theobald· john denny amiga· jot m.· ken gehring· klaus reinders· kostiantyn baran· lara wilde· lechiam· leoni· lima lew· lisa nowinski· lukas kaminski· luminea· lysann· maheshguild· mångata· marc von martial· martin klucznik· martin neuhof· matthias naumann· michael wittig· mike mayer· mischa buckow· monty erselius· nico djavanshir· norbert josefsson· norbert lienig· oliver fischer· paweł kufel 6x6· peter grüner· philippe galanopoulos· r t· rémi· robert wendel· rosa h. lightart· selma reis· simone gernhardt· sophie.srm· spooney· sven kietzke· thomas illhardt· thomas ruppel· thorsten gieseler· willi schwanke· wolfgang watzl· yaowen lee· zuzu valla

Model Anna Abstraction
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #34
Cover: »Ghost of Love« | © Model Anna Avramenko AbstractionMany Thanks to the contributors:
albert finch· alicja brodowicz· ana lora· andrea grzicic· andrea schwelle· andreas puhl· andreas schaarschmidt· anna avramenko abstraction· ariel inblue· artkphoto· astrid schulz· benedetta falugi· benedikt ernst· björn kleemann· carlos navarro· christian greller - dark fine art photography· christoph boecken· claudia gerhard· cyanidemishka· daniel good· dark indigo· dasha and mari· david wonger· diefraunamenshorst· dirk haas· dorotheya· elisa scascitelli· ernst weerts· francesco sambati· frankschneider· frydensraich· goldpics fotografie· gutenbild· hannes windrath· hans krum· hari roser· - humana -· igor b. glik· jens pepper· jochen abitz· jörg oestreich· juri bogenheimer· kai mueller· konrad winkler· kubagrafie· luca galavotti· luciano corti· lwr.photography· majarete· michaelmoeller· mike mayer· nasos karabelas· nishe· odin.tk· olaf radcke· peacocks feather· pedro el bosque· perezful· photographer tetsuro higashi· pollography· polod· rafael scheidle· ralph k.· rapid.heart.movement· ratu· renate wasinger· rob linsalata· roland mühler· rosa h. lightart· sebastian berger· sergey sivushkin· simone gernhardt· sophie.srm· svetlana korolyova· thomas maenz· thomas ruppel· thomas szanto· throughmyeye· tommaso simone· torsten falk· torsten schmidt· toti suarez· ungemuetlich· wildwoodssoul· woltexinger· zebrastein

Model Anna Abstraction / Fotografin Benedetta Falugi / Fotograf Daniel Good / Fotografin Elisa Scascitelli / Fotograf Francesco Sambati / Fotograf HANNES WINDRATH / Fotograf polod / Fotografin wildwoodssoul
Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #34
Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue "STRKNG Editors' Selection - #34" and comment with your favorite image number.1 Ghost of Love - © Anna Avramenko Abstraction
2 Untitled - © Benedetta Falugi
3 Call me Hector - © Daniel Good
4 Untitled - © Francesco Sambati
5 walk away - © polo d
6 Summer times... - © HANNES WINDRATH
7 .no... - © Dorotheya
8 Farewell Letter - © Elisa Scascitelli
9 Find me, I beg you, find me/ - © wildwoodssoul
Only one vote per person. Thank you!
Voting ends Wednesday 17th July 23:55h MET

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #33
Cover: »Daria#2« | © J. BorgerMany Thanks to the contributors:
35mm· adolfo valente· albert finch· alessandra· alessandra scalogna· alexander hufenbach photography· alexander steger· alva marleen· amiyumi· andrea peipe· andreas reh· andres marti· andy lee· anna försterling· anne krämer· asgy photography· atmospheres of light· bea amber· benedikt ernst· carlos odeh· chih-chieh wang· chivas_regal· clara diebler· claudia gerhard· corwin von kuhwede· daniel krueger· deborah sarah drexler· der lenz ist da· dirk kultus· dorothea brandt· elvira kolerova· elyssa obscura· emmanuelle brisson· esprit confus· evangelia· ewa cwikla· fabrizia milia· framafo· hakim boulouiz· hans d.· hendrik janssen· hero mason· j. borger· jaioneamantegiestudio· jenzflare· joy dana· julien jegat· kerstin niemöller· kollektivmaschine· koras· kubagrafie· lauracallsen· maren scheffler· mark emerson hamilton· martina grabinsky· michał magdziak· milosz wozaczynski· mischa buckow· moth art· nadia nardelli· nathan wirth· odin.tk· olaf radcke· oliver henze· osamu jinguji· patrick leube· peter heidel· peter nientied· philomena famulok· radoslaw pujan· rafael scheidle· rapid.heart.movement· renate wasinger· roland mühler· ruediger rau· ruslan hrushchak· sandrino donnhauser· sandro ortolani· schiwa rose· sho shin· sophie simone· stephane lepine· sturmideenkind· svetlana korolyova· thefunkyeye· thomas maenz· thomas vogt· tommaso simone· torsten falk· ungemuetlich· valou perron...photography...· van helden· verwunschlicht· volker birke· woman of dark desires· yucel basoglu