Sofia Dalamagka

My work is surreal. Symbolizations, implications, and disguised up-drawings of memories, dominate. I have been affected by hyper-realism and the Dada movement. Lately I have been experimenting with...

Europa / Griechenland / Arkitsa

Zachary Hurlburt

Fine art and portrait photographer from the Bay Area. Always looking for where the cinematic meets the deeply personal. I shoot exclusively with film.

Nordamerika / Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika / California / Napa

Sven Unold

Die Mehrfachbelichtungen: Es ist faszinierend, die Möglichkeit zu haben, mit Zeit und Raum zu experimentieren. Das heisst, das Bild aus der Realität zu nehmen und mit der eigenen...

Europa / Schweiz / Frick

Simone Sander 15

I live and work in Stuttgart Stammheim. For about ten years photography has become a passionate hobby. I prefer street photography, many of my photos are in black and white and also characterized...

Europa / Deutschland / Baden-Württemberg / Stuttgart