Arash Aminzadeh

I'm an avid hobbyist photographer, and what I adore is how I lose track of time and find myself completely immersed, there's nothing that brings me more joy, and striving to get good at it.

Ozeanien / Neuseeland / Auckland

Federica Sanna 1

I'm a italian photographer, based in Olbia (Sardinia). I prefere portrait and conceptual photography, and i love the analog photography. I like to create project for telling the reality to my way.

Europa / Italien


In meinen Bildern geht es um Geschichten, um Momente, Gefühle, eine Aussage. Mal verspielt, mal melancholisch, mal verträumt, mal traurig. Dabei versuche ich immer, das Besondere einzufangen, ob es...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Aachen