Polina Soyref 14

Born 23.06.1993, Russia St.Petersburg/Tallinn Graduated with a BA in philosophy and currently am writing a PhD thesis about photography and the body experience. Photographs exhibited at 5th...

Europa / Estland / Tallinn

Jens Pepper 8

I am a curator, photographer and author (writing about photo subjects) based in Berlin. My articles appear in PHOTONEWS and brennpunkt. Interviews I do you may find on www.obstundmuse.com, in...

Europa / Deutschland / Berlin

Konstantin Weiss 5

Photographer based in Switzerland specialized in architectural and nude photography.

Europa / Schweiz / Dottikon

thedannyguy 7

I am a nude art photographer and nothing in my life matters to me more than photography. I find human naked bodies most surreal and raw form of art.

Asien / Indien / Pune