Thomas Pietrowski 1

Ich fotografiere leidenschaftlich und auf freiberuflicher Basis und habe mich hauptsächlich auf Portraits spezialisiert. Ich bin trotzdem offen für alles und lerne gerne noch dazu. Ich bin immer...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / 42281 Wuppertal

Simon Dias 1

Former dancer and currently choreographer, my focus is on the body, its subtle meaning, its strength and poetry. French passionate photographer and self-taught, I love black and white, nude and fine...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Solingen

Patrick Vantroyen

I love the photography of people. It fascinates me, because every human being is something special, because he got it as a gift. That's why every person has something special to give. It is my...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bonn

Torsten Falk 7

"Digital is a bit like socialism. It makes everything the same and boring...", David Bailey.

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Düsseldorf