I'm portuguese and live near Braga . I bought my first (and very basic Canon 4000D) SLDR a couple of years ago but only last year starting to take photography more seriously when I discover some...

Europa / Portugal / Braga

Ian Ross Pettigrew 3

I'm a Graphic Designer who happens to take photos. Over 25 years as an Art Director makes the difference in my work. You can learn technical skills as a photographer, but having a great eye is what...

Nordamerika / Kanada / Hamilton

Frank Hoffmann 1

Fotograf mit der Vorliebe zu schönen Gesichtern und natürlicher Schönheit. Ich spreche auch Menschen auf der Straße an, wenn ich in ihnen das besondere sehe. Die Schönheit der Jugend im...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Duisburg