- © Alva Marleen
Matthew Pine

Sullen - © Silvia Lantano
Mattia De Nittis

Silvia. - © mattia.de.nittis
Ich mag Bilder! “Using no way as a way, having no limitation as limitation.” “Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped...
I'm Nadia Nardelli. I came from Italy. My work is focused on digital experimentation. therefore it isn't a matter of photography, instead of images. I am interested by nature, geometry created by...
I am on the search ... sometimes I find something ....
Europa / Deutschland / Sachsen / Dresden
I'm deeply convinced that Art, in general, is absolutely deprived of any variety of forms. It is just a one single Form, created rather by nature as the last immutable state. Seen and stuck forever...
I'm just 50. I am not a model, I am a woman with many many facets. I don't like pigeonholing, neither in photography nor in life. Everything is always in the eye of the beholder .... since I have a...
Europa / Deutschland / Hamburg / Hamburg
- © Alva Marleen
Matthew Pine
Sullen - © Silvia Lantano
Mattia De Nittis
Silvia. - © mattia.de.nittis
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