"lover" - Fotografie

Rob Linsalata 10

My name is Rob Linsalata. I am a lover of photography, art, poetry and musings. I particularly love film and images that capture a mood, a moment, an emotion... and do so in a timeless fashion. I try...

Nordamerika / Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika / Pennsylvania / Philadelphia

jaioneamantegiestudio 4

We believe in the essence, simplicity, subtlety and delicacy ... and are lovers of film

Europa / Spanien

Raquel Simba 5

photography lover, model and selfportrait artist part time alien :)

Europa / Portugal / Aveiro

Hakim Boulouiz 3

Hakim Boulouiz is a Fine Art Photographer and an Expert in Urban aesthetics. He is a big lover of cities, fascinated by order and disorder. He is looking to tell stories around poetry, mystery and...

Europa / Schweiz / Geneva

oleggewie 4

Filmmaker & Photographer. Living in Osnabrück, Germany. Lover of nature, music and good movies.

Europa / Deutschland / Niedersachsen / Osnabrück

Somallie 22

Dreamer, Thinker, Dreadhead, Ropebunny, Writer, Hippie, Dancer, Discoverer, Nature Lover, Punk, Loafer, Smartass, and so much more.

Europa / Deutschland / Berlin / Berlin

Reni Roja 5

German alternative model located in NRW tattoed, vintage lover and very mutable in different roles Always searching for new connections and shooting possibilities

Europa / Deutschland / Mönchengladbach

ann_physmod.281 1

Scientist, arts lover, particularly photography and modelling. I personally prefer modelling with a natural style and vintage photography.

Europa / Großbritannien / Birmingham

you're too late, my perfect lover / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotografin Resa Rot ★157 | STRKNG

you're too late, my perfect lover - © Resa Rot
Ilka Marie jensen

Details of short days / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Erika Pellicci ★9 | STRKNG

Details of short days - © Erika Pellicci

Flowers for a lover that went away / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotografin Nishe ★32 | STRKNG

Flowers for a lover that went away - © Nishe

Crazy lover / Fine Art  Fotografie von Model Janine Cataldo ★5 | STRKNG

Crazy lover - © Janine Cataldo

Liza / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf The camera lover ★1 | STRKNG

Liza - © The camera lover

can you see me without eyes? - Selbstportrait III / Konzeptionell  Fotografie von Model Cassi Klee ★2 | STRKNG

can you see me without eyes? - Selbstportrait III - © Cassi Klee

Only lovers left alive - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf melloncollie / 23.02.2025 09:59
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #52 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 07.06.2021 13:59

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #52

100 striking images · 2020-05-16 - 2020-06-21

Cover: © Polina Soyref

Many Thanks to the contributors:

alberto monteraz· alex nason photography· alfonso de castro· andré becker • photography· andreas puhl· andrew w pilling· anna försterling· antonio palmerini· aufzehengehen· axel hansmann· benedikt ernst· by the sea· christoph ruhrmann· claudy b.· colorful edge· constantyearing· corado stock· corwin pixel· cpmalek· daniel c. plänkers· daniel.nartschick· david schütte· dirk rohra· dirkbee· ecd.2· eliza loveheart· emma prin· enrico olla· erik gross· fa· falko matte· fede brea· frank pudel· gernot schwarz· grégoire a. meyer· hannes klotz· hetocy· imar· inner destruction· jamie thißen-betts· jelenaosmolovska· jérôme scullino· jiří kois· julien pironin· karmatikphotography· kevin luck· kiitos_c· knipserkrause· kostiantyn baran· la bestia incontrolable· la fleur de la nuit· la gipsy· lee acaster· lina hagemeister· lou· lucem.demonstrat.umbra· mahamaya· marc hoppe· maria frodl· mauro sini· michael schalla· michael wölfel· michał magdziak· noa_the_model· papadoxx-fotografie· pictory· polina soyref· rafa macías (oroyplata)· resa rot· ruslan galeev· sasa· schlicklin· sebastien petit· seelenschmetterling· silvina batista· sofi mdivnishvili· sonja meta· soulcatch.me· storvandre photography· sven ceglarek· the camera lover· thomas ruppel· ungemuetlich· uwe ernst· uwe leininger· valentina· zuzu valla


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