hurt. - © Lisa
Michael Magin Photography

Hurt Me - © Hendrik

flash your teeth though the inside hurts - © londoncoffee3
Made In Taiwan. From taking photos of myself, using myself as a starting point to deliver ideals and thoughts and I learn to understand the differences among us, since “I” includes you, she,...
I am an amateur-photographer. I shoot in the genres of portrait, fine art nude, street and travel. I own a Fuji digital camera but my passion is using my old analog cameras and black&white films....
Photographer in Cologne, Germany "Photography looks at things differently. Different perspectives. Different emotions. Just like life with all facets. So why waste time with other things. Loves...
hurt. - © Lisa
Michael Magin Photography
Hurt Me - © Hendrik
flash your teeth though the inside hurts - © londoncoffee3
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