Wanderer / Konzeptionell  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Wanderer - © Deborah Haarmeier
Andreas Klippel - Model

Der Sturm in mir / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Der Sturm in mir - © Deborah Haarmeier
als Model

Atemberaubende Emotionen / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Atemberaubende Emotionen - © Deborah Haarmeier
als Model

Scottish dreams / Konzeptionell  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Scottish dreams - © Deborah Haarmeier

Highlands / Menschen  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Highlands - © Deborah Haarmeier
Frieda Lepold

Sowas wie ein Selbstportrait / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Sowas wie ein Selbstportrait - © Deborah Haarmeier
Deborah H.
Frieda Lepold

Bana-bhuidseach / Konzeptionell  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Bana-bhuidseach - © Deborah Haarmeier
Alessa Ghoulish

Deborah Haarmeier

STRKNG Teilnehmer der Portfolio-Bilder


Deborah Haarmeier is an artist and currently living in Düsseldorf (Germany).

She has a Bachelor of Arts in two of her favorite disciplines: German studies and media design. Her heart beats for everything creative and fantastical. She wants to inspire others and invite them to dream as well as to reflect.

One of her strongest means of artistic expression is photography in combination with digital picture editing. Her works take you to other times and fantastical worlds. They tell stories and give the viewer the feeling that what he sees could be reality. That's why she describes her style as realistic fantasy.

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