Fotograf männlich
leaves on the water / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

leaves on the water - © surman christophe

resistance / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

resistance - © surman christophe

Tetris / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

Tetris - © surman christophe

Course / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

Course - © surman christophe

Dune / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

Dune - © surman christophe

Angela Gabaldon / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

Angela Gabaldon - © surman christophe

Lucia Pinona / Performance  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

Lucia Pinona - © surman christophe

La MECA Bordeaux / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

La MECA Bordeaux - © surman christophe

vain barrage / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf surman christophe ★1 | STRKNG

vain barrage - © surman christophe

08.08.2023 13:49 

Arte Flamenco Festival 2023

Some close up of the artists on stage during Arte Flamenco Festival 2023 in Mont de Marsan France

13.07.2022 16:17 

Arte Flamenco Festival 2022

pictures taken on stage during Arte Flamenco 2022 festival in Mont de Marsan France.

11.07.2021 23:59 

Arte Flamenco Festival 2021

Some pictures of flamenco dancers in Arte Flamenco festival 2021 in Mont de Marsan France

19.03.2021 17:35 
eau stagnante 1 / Schwarz-weiss / water,sad,black & white,reflects,trees
eau stagnante 1
eau stagnante 2 / Schwarz-weiss / black & white,water,flood,reflects
eau stagnante 2
eau stagnante 3 / Schwarz-weiss / water,reflects,black & white,branches,trees
eau stagnante 3

Eau stagnante

Flood after too much rain.

17.01.2021 00:34 

Arte Flamenco Festival

Images taken during Arte Flamenco Festival in Mont de Marsan France

photography is my hobby especialy Black and white pictures. I begun photography whith black and white films and Laboratory.

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