Fotograf männlich / 53
Canal near Bologna (Italy) / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Canal near Bologna (Italy) - © Storvandre Photography

Pian delle Fontane, Piani Resinelli, Lombardia, Italy. / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Pian delle Fontane, Piani Resinelli, Lombardia, Italy. - © Storvandre Photography

Country Road / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Country Road - © Storvandre Photography

Vertigo / Architektur  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Vertigo - © Storvandre Photography

Sunset in Varazze / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Sunset in Varazze - © Storvandre Photography

Lake Muscera, Piani Resinelli (Italy) / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Lake Muscera, Piani Resinelli (Italy) - © Storvandre Photography

Boat on the Adda River / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Boat on the Adda River - © Storvandre Photography

Crow / Street  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Crow - © Storvandre Photography

Mushrooms / Natur  Fotografie von Fotograf Storvandre Photography ★2 | STRKNG

Mushrooms - © Storvandre Photography

28.12.2022 19:09 

Strange Ligury

The Ligurian mountains, located on the Italian Riviera, are known for their rugged and steep terrain, making them a unique and strange landscape compared to many other mountain ranges. These mountains rise up from the Mediterranean Sea and are home to a variety of plant and animal life, as well as ancient villages and towns nestled into the hillsides.

One of the strangest features of the Ligurian mountains is their geology. The rocks that make up these mountains are a mixture of marble, schist, and other metamorphic rocks, which have been transformed over millions of years through heat and pressure. This has resulted in a strange and varied landscape, with jagged peaks, steep cliffs, and deep valleys.

In addition to their geology, the Ligurian mountains are also home to a number of bizarre and unique plant species. Many of these plants have adapted to the harsh climate and rocky soil of the region, developing unusual features such as spines, succulent leaves, and waxy coatings to protect against the dry heat and salt spray from the sea.

Storvandre Photography


Landscape explorer

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