Fotograf männlich
Mobina / Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

Mobina - © Abolfazl Jafarian

Beauty of historical architecture / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

Beauty of historical architecture - © Abolfazl Jafarian

Red / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

Red - © Abolfazl Jafarian

Red hat beauty / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

Red hat beauty - © Abolfazl Jafarian

Sohrab / Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

Sohrab - © Abolfazl Jafarian

Menschen  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

- © Abolfazl Jafarian

Bride looks happy / Hochzeit  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

Bride looks happy - © Abolfazl Jafarian

Bride / Hochzeit  Fotografie von Fotograf Abolfazl Jafarian | STRKNG

Bride - © Abolfazl Jafarian

Abolfazl Jafarian


I'm Abolfazl Jafarian ,40,from Iran.
I like photography especially black and white.
I have participated in a lighting course at Noornagar Institute and I have received a certificate.
I have participated in Romanian landscape photo exhibition in August 2019.
some of my pictures have been published in international photo websites such as Artlimited,100asa,500px,photoimagineart,1x.
Also my pictures have been published in a few magazines such as topposters portrait January 2022,Marika nature August 2021,Marika men August 2021, Marika men April 2021,theciin summer issue 2021,Art of portrait issue 56,ignite October 2021,Ellas December 2021,the feature January 2022 ,light work vol 2.1.4 ,beautica January 2022,Mob journal vol

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