Tempest (Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 - Commended) - © Lee Acaster

At The Edges - Commended: Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2014 - © Lee Acaster

Widows - © Lee Acaster
My passion for photography began over thirty years ago, I have studied the technical and photographic composition, through film time learning the techniques of developing and printing, up to lead the...
i am a witch with soft hands stroking, cold sweat a wolf with teeth like sharpened candy canes liquefied when moisturized my sheepskin is soft like cotton candy embracing the blade when...
Europa / Deutschland / Hamburg / Hamburg
My portfolio here will be essentially portrait, nude art and landscapes. I'm a beginner but every day I try to improve. Open to any suggestions.
Tempest (Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 - Commended) - © Lee Acaster
At The Edges - Commended: Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2014 - © Lee Acaster
Widows - © Lee Acaster
Aufgrund von einer Abmahnwelle, welche aktuell Google-Fonts betrifft, haben wir STRKNG überarbeitet und noch DSGVO-konformer gemacht. (Danke an Kai Müller für den Hinweis!)
Neben den Google-Maps-Einblendungen haben wir auch die Push-Nachrichten, die Google Firebase benutzen, optional gemacht.
Schon gewusst?
Mit den Push-Nachrichten könnt ihr euch via Browser (sofern dieser Push-Nachrichten unterstützt) in Echtzeit darüber informieren, ob neue Bilder zu euren Lieblingsthemengebieten gerade eintreffen.
Durch die letzte Änderung ist es wahrscheinlich, dass eure Push-Nachrichten aktuell nicht mehr funktionieren, falls ihr sie schon genutzt habt.
Wir empfehlen:
Schaut euch nochmal eure aktuellen Cookies/Tools-Einstellungen an und setzt sie so, wie ihr euch wohl fühlt.
Due to a wave of legal warnings, which is currently affecting Google fonts, we have revised STRKNG and made it even more GDPR-compliant. (Thanks to Kai Müller for the tip!)
In addition to the Google Maps embeds, we have also made the push messages that use Google Firebase optional.
Did you know?
With the push-messages you can use your browser (if it supports push-messages) to find out in real time whether new images for your favorite topics are arriving.
Due to the last change, it is likely that your push messages will no longer work if you have already used them.
We recommend:
Look again at your current Cookies/Tools settings and set them as you feel comfortable.
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