Thorsten Gieseler 2

Hey, thank you for visiting my profile, I think It's all about time and light in life. Good Times, bad times, shining days and dark episodes - although in many different colours. And so is...

Europa / Deutschland / Varel

van Thom

My pictures have no meaning, they serve no higher purpose. Also they do not testify to skill or taste. They are just a poor attempt to do justice to the beauty depicted.

Europa / Österreich / Vienna

Sandra Mago 3

von der Landschafts- über die Portraitfotografin zum Storytelling... Bilder, die Geschichten erzählen.. deine, meine, unsere... denn unsere Tiefe zeigen wir nicht in Oberflächlichkeiten

Europa / Deutschland / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Krakow am See