Beyond all this loudness / Alternative Techniken  Fotografie von Fotograf Sebastian Niebius ★5 | STRKNG

Beyond all this loudness - © Sebastian Niebius
Ingreyn Valls

Handmade Toyobo-print chine-collé - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Yens Franke / 31.01.2021 19:52
Parenthensis XIII / Alternative Techniken / monochrome,print,toyobo,chine-colle,contemporaryart,artphotography
Parenthensis XIII
Parenthensis IX / Alternative Techniken / toyobo,chine-colle,print,artphotography,contemporary,monochrome,YensFranke
Parenthensis IX
Guest at the exhibition / Dokumentation / exhibition,photolover,toyobo,chine-colle,photoart,contemporary,YensFranke,artphotography,Munich
Guest at the exhibition
Pictures at the ArtEspace Gallery / Dokumentation / artespacegallery,toyobo,chine-colle,artprint,exhibition,YensFranke,contemporary,interior,monochrome,print-technique,abstract,Munich
Pictures at the ArtEspace Gallery
Parenthensis XIII / Alternative Techniken  Fotografie von Fotograf Yens Franke ★6 | STRKNG

Parenthensis XIII - © Yens Franke

2021 - Wie wird es weitergehen? - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf monospex / 06.01.2021 09:25
A boars year / Alternative Techniken / wetplate,wetplatecollodion,scale,tintype,5x7,nassplatte,stilllife
A boars year
Underwood / Alternative Techniken / wetplate,wetplatecollodion,nassplatte,tintype,5x7,boar,typewriter