Franz Hein

The often very abstract features of my works reflect in a certain way today's zeitgeist. The emphasis lies in the monochrome design with contrasts and the play with light and shadow as well as...

Europa / Deutschland / Niedersachsen / Lingen (Ems)


MASKZ collection MIXED MARTIAL ART His Sculptures made of collected & found Cardboards & Fleyers. With lightand shadow ,they are staged and subsequently banned in photographs. Sometimes...

Europa / Deutschland / Berlin / Berlin


In meinen Bildern geht es um Geschichten, um Momente, Gefühle, eine Aussage. Mal verspielt, mal melancholisch, mal verträumt, mal traurig. Dabei versuche ich immer, das Besondere einzufangen, ob es...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Aachen