Cassandra Klee 2

______________________________________ I am a nature loving soul from Germany and I would love to give rise especially to (emotive) portraits.

Europa / Deutschland / Thüringen / Jena

Stephan Joachim 16

Mein Leben begann in den Sechzigern in Deutschland, als Sohn meiner Mutter, Dr. Jenny Schmidt-Kuhn, einer Ärztin, und meines Vaters, Gottfried Johannes Schmidt, eines Pfarrers und Seelsorgers. Meine...

Europa / Deutschland / Hessen / Wiesbaden

conipoi (Jonathan) 7

I enjoy being in front of cameras as a way to free and experience myself, my body, my surroundings, to challenge normality and my ideas about shame. I love the possibilities it gives me to connect to...

Europa / Deutschland / Berlin / Berlin