"desire" - Fotografie

Laura Daddabbo 13

My creative production is mainly focused on the identity, emotions, sensitivity of the female world always in relation to time and the importance of the past in women’s lives. The women in my photos...

Europa / Italien / Bologna

Elisa Scascitelli 11

My name Elisa, I'm 26 years old, the art for me is very significant. My photography is a blend of various portraiture, fine art, fairytales, conceptual. The photographic fairy tale for me seduces and...

Europa / Italien / Roma

Erika Pellicci 9

In 2016 she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence with a photographic thesis, at the moment she continues her photography studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. Her research...


Stephan Amm 5

Born 1972 in Kronach, Upper Franconia, Germany, guided by his father through the local flora and fauna, many sunday hikes led to different areas in his homeland Franconia. Daddy’s Leica was always...

Europa / Deutschland / Bayern / Kronach

Electric Moons 7

Electric Moons is a Belgium-based artist, narrating the space between darkness, violence and carnal desire. In his work, the artist explores tactile relationships in scotopic, surreal visions....

Europa / Belgien / Antwerp

Jesus Diaz 3

Fotógrafo apasionado por el retrato y los paisajes. Interesado en el lenguaje fotográfico y en color tanto como en el blanco y negro. Eterno aprendiz con ganas de experimentar constantemente. Me...

Europa / Spanien / Zaragoza

Myself and I / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf Alexandru Crisan ★14 | STRKNG

Myself and I - © Alexandru Crisan

Desire / Menschen  Fotografie von Fotograf Michael Färber Photography ★42 | STRKNG

Desire - © Michael Färber Photography

desiderium salutis / Portrait  Fotografie von Model londoncoffee3 ★19 | STRKNG

desiderium salutis - © londoncoffee3
Sabine Müller Fotografie

Der Sturm in mir / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotografin Deborah Haarmeier ★2 | STRKNG

Der Sturm in mir - © Deborah Haarmeier
als Model

The holly of desire (monochrome) / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotografin Rapid.Heart.Movement ★26 | STRKNG

The holly of desire (monochrome) - © Rapid.Heart.Movement

Desire / Fine Art  Fotografie von Model Medusa ★7 | STRKNG

Desire - © Medusa

Portrait of Chiara - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Renato Buontempo / 15.01.2024 16:19
Portrait of Chiara - 1 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 1
Portrait of Chiara - 2 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 2
Portrait of Chiara - 3 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 3
Portrait of Chiara - 4 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 4
Portrait of Chiara - 5 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 5
Portrait of Chiara - 6 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 6
Portrait of Chiara - 7 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 7
Portrait of Chiara - 8 / Portrait
Portrait of Chiara - 8
Summer learnings of a trans woman - Blog-Beitrag von Model Sophie / 03.10.2023 19:54
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summer,summervibes,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / transgender,hat,summervibes,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Stimmungen / guitar,instrument,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Mode / Beauty / summer,summervibe,countryside,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Mode / Beauty / summer,withinme,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / transgender,transwoman,trans,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Stimmungen / moving,myself,sensitive,light,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summer,summervibes,transwoman,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summervibes,grass,shadows,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Work in process - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Martial Rossignol / 08.01.2023 17:46
Juliette I / Fashion / Beauty / Dance,blackandwhitephotography,womanportrait
Juliette I
Juliette II / Fashion / Beauty / woman,dance,blackandwhitephotography,portraitphotography
Juliette II
Juliette III / Fashion / Beauty / dance,womanportrait,blackandwhitephotography
Juliette III
Juliette IV / Fashion / Beauty / portrait,womanportrait,dance,blackandwhitephotography
Juliette IV
Juliette V / Fashion / Beauty / dance,womanportrait,veil,blackandwhitephotography
Juliette V
Juliette VI / Fashion / Beauty / woman,dance,portrait,blackandwhitephotography
Juliette VI
“ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf ungemuetlich / 24.01.2022 11:43
» #1/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43
» #2/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43
» #3/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43 / Fine Art
» #4/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43
» #5/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43
» #6/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43
» #7/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43 / Nude
» #8/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43
» #9/9 « / “ungemuetlich \ raw”-photobook / limited edition / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://ungemuetlich.strkng.com/de/">Fotograf ungemuetlich</a> / 24.01.2022 11:43
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #51 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 14.04.2021 12:55

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #51

100 striking images · 2020-04-10 - 2020-05-16

Cover: »#instantquarantaine« | © Model Lin Chong with Dominique Maigné

Many Thanks to the contributors:

acqua&sapone· albert finch· alberto monteraz· alessandra· alex nason photography· alexandru crisan· ana zanoletty· andreas puhl· andrew w pilling· axel hansmann· bcb karim· björn kleemann· brett sinclair· by the sea· carina amber· carla m· claudy b.· cyanidemishka· daniel.nartschick· dirkbee· dorotheya· düsterwelten· emma prin· enrico olla· fabrizio massetti· frank bayh & steff ochs· geeska klaussen· gruford· hari roser· hetocy· ingo mueller· inner destruction· j. f. novotny· jan goldenbaum· jens holbein· jott· jürgen kremer· la mystique· la.bestia.incontrolable· lin chong· lina hagemeister· lisa· londoncoffee3· louisfernandezphotography.com· luminea· manya muse· maria frodl· marinksy· mark kinrade· mecuro b cotto· mehrzad.maghsoodian· michael holzer· mikki.mukks· milica marković· nasos karabelas· nesterovalexander· nicholas freeman· nina klein· olaf korbanek· ols van walthers· papadoxx-fotografie· paulo jose abrantes· photobooth portraits· reahnima· ruslan galeev· schieflicht· sermon fortapelsson· shahin khalaji· sophie alyz· stephan amm· susanne jeroma· thomas berlin· thomas huntke· tomlanzrath· trostheide· tunguska.rdm· ulisses· woman of dark desires· xavier· yeh shu yu· yume no yukari photography· zuzu valla· 白日为梦


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