"ape" - Fotografie

Birgit Sievers 4

German photographer from Bremen. Portrait, available light, open aperture and mostly black and white.

Europa / Deutschland / Bermen


Nude Art Photographer based in the Geneva region of Switzerland.

Europa / Schweiz / Nyon

David Henry

I’ve been taking pictures since the age of thirteen. I started with cameras I found at flea markets, with which I had to guess the focus, aperture and shutter speed. I studied photography at the...

Europa / Frankreich / Paris


Poungouras Apostolos is a photographer based in Thessaloniki, Greece mainly shooting portraits, art, landscapes.

Europa / Griechenland / Thessaloniki

Tempest (Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 - Commended) / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Lee Acaster ★38 | STRKNG

Tempest (Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 - Commended) - © Lee Acaster

At The Edges - Commended: Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2014 / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Lee Acaster ★38 | STRKNG

At The Edges - Commended: Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2014 - © Lee Acaster

How do you preach the word if you don't know how to read (III) / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf André Leischner ★37 | STRKNG

How do you preach the word if you don't know how to read (III) - © André Leischner
Dorothy C

Widows / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Lee Acaster ★38 | STRKNG

Widows - © Lee Acaster

f*ck me j*sus! / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf André Leischner ★37 | STRKNG

f*ck me j*sus! - © André Leischner
Aline Atropa Belladonna

Breakthrough / Landscapes  Fotografie von Fotograf Lee Acaster ★38 | STRKNG

Breakthrough - © Lee Acaster

Gaulschlucht bei Lana • Gaul Canyon in Lana - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf xprssnst / 02.03.2025 19:39
..just enough.. - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Tempus Fugit Photo / 12.04.2024 16:58
Halyna with the Fujinon 180 Soft Focus - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf monospex / 26.12.2022 14:17
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #61 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 01.08.2022 17:05

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #61

100 striking images · 2021-04-08 - 2021-05-15

Cover: »never tried to reach« | © Andreas Puhl

Many Thanks to the contributors:

6oize6· @carsten.vogt· albert finch· alex jost· alexander woltexinger· alexandru crisan· amira mukhina· ana stefanović· analog pictures· andreas ebner· andreas puhl· andy go· apetura dance photography· atreyu verne· aufzehengehen· axel hansmann· bogdan bousca· bubadibub· burki· carla gesikiewicz· carlos odeh· carola bührmann· constantyearing· corwin von kuhwede· dirk ortmann· dirkbee· dovileparis· eldehen· emiliano picciolo· falko matte· florian hagenbring· franziska korries fotografie· fritz naef· ghilain vermeersch· grethemabon· grzeswin· hamidreza sheikhmorteza· hans severin· heiko westphalen· heinz porten· holger förster· hutch crane· ingo dumreicher fotografie· jiří kois· jo grabowski· joachim alt· joe hogan· jürgen bode· jürgen hegner· kantorka· kristian liebrand - profi-aktfotograf· lina hagemeister· lola· lou· luciana marti· mario diener· marta glińska· måsse hjeltman· may· mehdi mokhtari· michael hemingway· michael heinzig· pascal chapuis· pascal nisius· peter meyer· philippe hirou· photobooth portraits· r.e.m.i· ralf krüppel· ralf scherer· rawfish· rodislav driben· roman szybura· schieflicht· schieper· severin messenbrink· simone sander· sk.photo· sprache der seele· stephan joachim· thomas berlin· thomas freyer· thomas ruppel· trostheide· tulipe· ulisses· ute pannicke· uwe ernst· valeria cocco· vincent gauthier
portraits studio - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Jean-Guy Caumeil / 29.11.2020 18:01


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