"35mm" - Fotografie

Anna Försterling 142

fine art photography on film. all series on journal.annafoersterling.com contact me: [email protected]

Europa / Deutschland / Sachsen / Dresden

35mm 58

Natural portraits and street photography

Europa / Deutschland / Mainz

Martina Grabinsky 34

autodidakt too many cameras and too many genres ... www.grabinsky.de - self developed 35mm, 120 and 4x5'' film - cyanotypes - sometimes digital - available light - black and...

Europa / Deutschland / Saarland / Saarbrücken

Marta Glińska 25

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” – Ansel Adams. Photography is my hobby, I focus on analog technique, mainly with amateurs-models who are just friends. My intention is to evoke...

Europa / Polen / Warszawa

Riel Life 16

Riel Life is an expressive and versatile model based in the Netherlands. She started modeling professionally 4 years ago and is now working internationally with artists from all sorts of backgrounds....

Europa / Niederlande / Utrecht

ray gray 18

Minimal or no makeup, natural lighting. No cliché AI faces. Simple landscapes with no screaming angles, overdone skies and saturations; snow instead. All that glitters is not gold. You'll see...

Europa / Italien

Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf 35mm ★58 | STRKNG

- © 35mm

K / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf ACR ★11 | STRKNG

K - © ACR

Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf 35mm ★58 | STRKNG

- © 35mm

Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf 35mm ★58 | STRKNG

- © 35mm

La fenêtre / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Kollektivmaschine ★24 | STRKNG

La fenêtre - © Kollektivmaschine

. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Martina Grabinsky ★34 | STRKNG

. - © Martina Grabinsky

Mirror Mirror - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Dan Matthews / 29.10.2024 10:56
Eva Seraph / Nude / mirror,nude,fineart
Eva Seraph
Eva Seraph / Nude / mirror,nude,fineart
Eva Seraph
Eva Seraph / Nude / mirror,nude,fineart
Eva Seraph
Eva Seraph / Nude / mirror,fineart,nude
Eva Seraph
Eva Seraph / Nude / fineart,mirror,nude
Eva Seraph
Eva Seraph / Nude / fineart,nude,mirror,film
Eva Seraph
Eva Seraph / Nude / fineart,nude,film,mirror
Eva Seraph
Isabell,eine neue Erfahrung ... - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf photoartica / 26.08.2024 03:08
» #1/3 « / Isabell,eine neue Erfahrung ... / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/photoartica/">Fotograf photoartica</a> / 26.08.2024 03:08 / Fine Art
» #2/3 « / Isabell,eine neue Erfahrung ... / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/photoartica/">Fotograf photoartica</a> / 26.08.2024 03:08 / Fine Art
» #3/3 « / Isabell,eine neue Erfahrung ... / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/photoartica/">Fotograf photoartica</a> / 26.08.2024 03:08 / Nude
STRKNG - Editors&#039; Selection - #77 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 06.08.2024 16:13

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #77

100 striking images · 12.07.2023 - 07.09.2023

Cover © Cottel Sébastien

0_rly· 35mm· 3cre8ive· abolfazljabraeili· acqua&sapone· akschoeps· alberto monteraz· alessio moglioni· amanda· andreas puhl· anjuzi fotografie· annalisa de luca· ansichten· aufzehengehen· behnamkhoramshahi· blackwater_pure.art· carlo magenis· carlos odeh· carola bührmann· carpe lucem· christophe_staelens· cologne boudoir· cottel sébastien· cpmalek· dietmar sebastian fischer· dirkbee· ellis· ernst weerts· falko matte· fariba saberi· federico fiorenzani· francesco sambati· frank decker· fritz naef· gernot schwarz· graefel· h e r . f o t o· hamidreza sheikhmorteza· heiko westphalen· holger nitschke· igor b. glik· imar· j. bongartz· janinepatejdl· jens klettenheimer· jevgenij balezin· jürgen bussmann photography· kathi-hannah· kupferhaut· lichtundnicht· lilith terra· lukas kaminski· maria schäfer photography· marina tells you· martial rossignol· masoumeh rahimi· mecuro b cotto· mehdi mokhtari· michael everett· miiy· milica marković· moga alexandru· monica smaniotto· mory_net· nakiesheri· olaf radcke· peter meyer· pixelhunter· reto.heiz· sara.bahari· schiwa rose· scott franklin evans· shizuo· silvio manuele· thomas berlin· thomas freyer· thomas ringhofer· thomas stephan· tlobnw· wendelin kipping· y. adrian· петр максимов
Parking lot session with Maren - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Carsten Domnick / 18.05.2023 10:31
» #1/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,filmphotography,35mmfilm,portraitphotography
» #2/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,filmphotography,35mmfilm,portraitphotography
» #3/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,35mmfilm,filmphotography,portraitphotography
» #4/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,35mmfilm,filmphotography,portraitphotography
» #5/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,filmphotography,35mmfilm,portraitphotography
» #6/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,35mmfilm,filmphotography,portraitphotography
» #7/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,filmphotography,35mmfilm,portraitphotography
» #8/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,35mmfilm,filmphotography,portraitphotography
» #9/9 « / Parking lot session with Maren / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/carsten+domnick/">Fotograf Carsten Domnick</a> / 18.05.2023 10:31 / Portrait / analogphotography,35mmfilm,filmphotography,portraitphotography
STRKNG - Editors&#039; Selection - #68 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 11.05.2023 15:11
Teilnehmer: Fotograf ACR

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #68

100 striking images · 2022-02-12 - 2022-04-06

Cover: »K« | © ACR

Many thanks to the contributors
35mm· @zitacalm· acr· aieta joseph· andy· anna abstraction· apunkt_lou· benzin daniela· berenicef· bogdan bousca· boris bethge· brian childress· bubadibub· carlos odeh· carpe lucem· christophe cormier· cologne boudoir· constantyearing· cristian trippel· daniel c. plänkers· dave hunt· dbxpix· dirk rohra· elisa weis· ewald vorberg· fabrizio romagnoli· felixbrokbals· fotograf-4u· francesco sambati· frank pudel· geka· gernot schwarz· gilles· henning bruns· holger nitschke· ian ross pettigrew· imar· jana.· jens klettenheimer· jonathan trautmann· jurgen beullens· kai mueller· laetitia· latelier· lena.who.are.you· lothar wulff· madeleine kriese· magdalena stawicka· marc von martial· marcus schmidt· marcus staab photographie· maria schäfer photography· mariedanielle· mehdi zavvar· michael hemingway· michael everett· michalina wozniak· mohammad dadsetan· morteza khobzi· msole· mya_b.hind· nadæc· olaf korbanek· pascal chapuis· peter pape· peter tkac· peyman naderi· philippe galanopoulos· pierre pellegrini· ralf schmitz (rasch.photo)· ray chandler· rené benjowski· rensen· samsara ilknur donmez· sanaz babaei· sprache der seele· stephan ernst· svetlanameliknubarova· tdk· thomas rossi· thomas strauss photography· tomáš hudolin· tommaso donato· toon van daalen· torsten falk· turamania art· ute pannicke· wolfgang walter· zhalzone
Sunny Sunday - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Wendelin Kipping / 06.04.2023 09:06
Fatima / Menschen / nikonfm2,portraitphotography,filmisnotdead,filmphotography,fomapan
Fatima / Portrait / filmphotography,filmisnotdead,filmandfriends,analogphotography
Fatima / Menschen / filmphotography,filmandfriends,filmisnotdead,analogphotography,analog,foma
Fatima / Portrait / filmphotography,filmisnotdead,nikonfm2,fomapan,analogphotography,analog,filmandfriends
Hands / Menschen / analogphotography,analog,filmphotography,film,filmisnotdead
Fatima / Portrait / filmphotography,filmisnotdead,filmandfriends,foma,nikonfm2,analogphotography
Fatima / Menschen / fomapan,film,filmphotography,filmandfriends
Fatima / Portrait / analogphotography,analog,analogue,35mmfilm,fomapan,nikonfm2
Fatima / Portrait / filmphotography,filmandfriends,filmisnotdead,fomapan,nikonfm2


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