"pollography" - photography

Janine Cataldo 5

•Model aus Mannheim / ludwigshafen •22 •174 cm •54 kg •konfektionsgrösse xs/s bzw. 34/36 •Schuhe 38,5 / 39 •fashion, beauty, portrait, sensual, seasons, ... •Referenzen...

Europe / Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Ludwigshafen

Lovis Lena Linzing / Portrait  photography by Photographer pollography ★16 | STRKNG

Lovis Lena Linzing - © pollography
Lovis Lena Linzing

Crazy lover / Fine Art  photography by Model Janine Cataldo ★5 | STRKNG

Crazy lover - © Janine Cataldo

Nude  photography by Photographer pollography ★16 | STRKNG

- © pollography

https://soundcloud.com/tinashenow/tinashe-vulnerable-feat-travi / People  photography by Model Lima Lew ★56 | STRKNG

https://soundcloud.com/tinashenow/tinashe-vulnerable-feat-travi - © Lima Lew
Pollo Lith

Tatjana / Portrait  photography by Photographer pollography ★16 | STRKNG

Tatjana - © pollography

Lovely Tschessy / Portrait  photography by Photographer pollography ★16 | STRKNG

Lovely Tschessy - © pollography

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #72 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2023-12-21 11:31
Participants: Model Lola

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #72

100 striking images · 2022-09-30 - 2022-11-24

© Model Lola

Many thanks to the contributors:

albert finch· alberto monteraz· alejovega· alexander platz· andreas puhl· andrew w pilling· anna abstraction· ansichten· antonkimpfbeck· auqanaj· axel hansmann· behnamkhoramshahi· benedikt ernst· blackstation· carola bührmann· celardor· christoph ammon· christophe_staelens· clara diebler· claudio naviganti· cologne boudoir· cristina prat mases· cyanidemishka· daria gdeto· der niederauer· dmitry baev· dominik falenski· dr. b· elisa scascitelli· ellis· emily· erik gross· eugene reno· falko matte· fifstudio· framafo· fritz naef· gernot schwarz· gerrit bliefernicht· gershon kreimer· gregor sticker· hannes klotz· hans severin· holger dülken· irene fittipaldi· j. f. novotny· jens klettenheimer· jiří kois· jürgen dröge· kathastrophe· la gipsy· linda hazelnut· linda lena blanka· lola· madeleine kriese· mahamaya· malcolm sinclair lobban· mario diener· martazbieron· martial rossignol· martina grabinsky· matthias leberle· mike stacey· monica smaniotto· mya_b_· nebula andromeda· noa_the_model· olaf korbanek· pascal chapuis· peter kächele· pierre jacquemin· pollography· r.e.m.i· rafael gatys· rainer benz· rawfish· renate wasinger· renke bargmann· roland mühler· roland wingenroth· ruhrboudoir by andreas· rupertt· stefan beutler· thomas maenz· thomas ringhofer· wolf anders photography
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #34 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2019-07-18 11:51

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #34

Cover: »Ghost of Love« | © Model Anna Avramenko Abstraction

Many Thanks to the contributors:

albert finch· alicja brodowicz· ana lora· andrea grzicic· andrea schwelle· andreas puhl· andreas schaarschmidt· anna avramenko abstraction· ariel inblue· artkphoto· astrid schulz· benedetta falugi· benedikt ernst· björn kleemann· carlos navarro· christian greller - dark fine art photography· christoph boecken· claudia gerhard· cyanidemishka· daniel good· dark indigo· dasha and mari· david wonger· diefraunamenshorst· dirk haas· dorotheya· elisa scascitelli· ernst weerts· francesco sambati· frankschneider· frydensraich· goldpics fotografie· gutenbild· hannes windrath· hans krum· hari roser· - humana -· igor b. glik· jens pepper· jochen abitz· jörg oestreich· juri bogenheimer· kai mueller· konrad winkler· kubagrafie· luca galavotti· luciano corti· lwr.photography· majarete· michaelmoeller· mike mayer· nasos karabelas· nishe· odin.tk· olaf radcke· peacocks feather· pedro el bosque· perezful· photographer tetsuro higashi· pollography· polod· rafael scheidle· ralph k.· rapid.heart.movement· ratu· renate wasinger· rob linsalata· roland mühler· rosa h. lightart· sebastian berger· sergey sivushkin· simone gernhardt· sophie.srm· svetlana korolyova· thomas maenz· thomas ruppel· thomas szanto· throughmyeye· tommaso simone· torsten falk· torsten schmidt· toti suarez· ungemuetlich· wildwoodssoul· woltexinger· zebrastein
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #29 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2019-01-21 12:41

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #29

100 striking images · 2018-01-23 - 2018-02-28

Cover: »silence« | © Kai Mueller

Many Thanks to the contributors:

af - reflection of life· alexander steger· andreas jorns· bart boodts photography· benedikt ernst· blackstation· blende-eins-zwei-photography· brian morris photography· chris hieronimus· christian_knob_fotografie· christoph ruhrmann· corwin pixel· deborah h.· der lenz ist da· dominic krug· ecd.2· elisabeth mochner· elmar bauer· erik witsoe· felixbrokbals· formofadrop· framafo· george emil odthermat· gutenbild· hans-martin doelz· henning· holger nitschke· irene cruz· j. borger· jan hendrik henze fotografie· jaya suberg· ja_ku_be· jk photographie· jo grabowski· john a vega· john-erik· jordi cervera· julien jegat· kai mueller· katja kemnitz· koras· la fleur de la nuit· lena· leonid litvac· lichttherapie.· lionel pesqué· lukas kaminski· maarten de laet· magdalena franczuk· marie· matthias leberle· michael wittig· monty erselius· mos· muirgen· nadæc· naenzieh· nakiesheri· nesterovalexander· norbert josefsson· olaf raymond benold· p3667· pablo asencio· papa rob· patrick multhaup· pavelfadeevv· peter nientied· pieter van balen· piotr polakiewicz· piotr trojanowski· pollography· pwb-fotografie.de· radoslaw pujan· renate wasinger· renke bargmann· revilo· robert haudek· selma reis· stefan franziskus (sfphotogrphr)· stefano majno· susann bargas gomez· svetlana korolyova· thomas bichler· tonasupo· torsten köster· torsten schmidt· victoria lo.· volker birke
Blog post by  STRKNG / 2018-02-01 11:48
Editors' Selection - #19

2017-01-29 - 2017-03-05

Cover: »dorso« | © marc von martial


»It was really hard to select a cover this time.
Thank you all for your beautiful work!
Please feel all covered! «

17einhalb· =★=· @nycdp· adolfo valente· agniribe· albert finch· alberto monteraz· alex fremer· alexia estévez· andreas jorns· ángela burón· angelo gonzález· anne wolf· antonkimpfbeck· axel bueckert· bea amber· blackstation· carpe lucem· catered· claudia· daniel gütschow· daria amaranth· david broz· deborah h.· deborah haarmeier· dennis ramos· dunkelgrau.fotografie· elviraleone· ernst weerts· experience· francesco sambati· geisterpixel· george groot· hans-martin doelz· hélène desplechin· hero mason· herz.mensch.fotografie· hoang dung nguyen· holger nitschke· hpd-fotografy· insa sobczak· iris syzlack· j. borger· jaioneamantegiestudio· jenzflare· jerry fryer· jessica drew· johan verhulst· julia morozova· kai mueller· keptphotography· kerstin hojka fotografie· klaus reinders· koops· kubagrafie· la gipsy· li.fe giangregorio· lichtundnicht· luc gasparet· lu★· marange· marc von martial· marta rood· martin wieland· mika-ef· odin . timo karnatz· paweł· peacocks feather· peter fengler fotografie· pollography· polo d· radoslaw pujan· renke bargmann· resa rot· revilo· richardterborg· robert mueller photographie· rohan reilly photography· sandra löwenherz· schieflicht· seelenkind· sergey sivushkin· sophia molek· sven becker· sven siehl· sven wagenfeld· tom hart· valou perron...photography...· van helden· vanessa moselle· vivien· 左 撇子
Editors' Selection - #14 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-08-24 11:20

Editors' Selection - #14

100 striking images
2016-07-25 - 2016-09-02

Cover: »don't be afraid« | © Evangelia

Many thanks to the contributors:
4spo· alva marleen· ananda modelpage· ander· andreas maria kahn· andreas puhl· andres marti· astrid schulz· aziembinska· bárbara traver· bea amber· bénier-bürckel eric· blende-eins-zwei-photography· colin· cu nature· daria amaranth· dasha and mari· ecd.2· elisa scascitelli· elisabeth mochner· elisaimperi· elyssa obscura· eugene reno· eusepia lehe· evangelia· ewa kępys· fabrice muller photography· fabrizio romagnoli· giacomo brunelli· hamedphotography· hendrik janssen· herr merzi· hisatomi tadahiko· igor burba· jelenaosmolovska· jott· jozef· jsarmientoame· kameramaedchen· kavan the kid· la fleur de la nuit· la mystique· leidy gómez· lelafotomodel· leszek kowalski· loris arcostanzo· luxxlooks photography· magdalena franczuk· marc von martial· maren klemp· margaux· marilla muriel· mark kinrade· matthias leberle· mcfischer· michael färber photography· moth art· nanne springer photography· nicowestlicht· nishe· óscar barrera· pablo asencio· paola valli· patricio suarez· peresettantatre· philip mckay· pixelworx· pollography· polo d· rafal krol· rapid.heart.movement· roman kasperski· ruinenstaat· samsara ilknur donmez· sandra löwenherz· sara lorusso· schoo flemming· sermon fortapelsson· simona zanna· stefania sammarro· the o-grapher· the sensual eye· thomas lottermoser· tim cavadini· ungemuetlich· vanessa conway· violetta· vivienne b· vtna· wiktor franko· yostek· 左 撇子


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